An Englishman Mourns The Twilight’s Last Gleaming-New World Order In Play


Kennedy spoke from the heart, as does Obama. Both were put into power by forces behind the scenes, forces in control of the chief executive, or so they assumed.

From the desk of Englishman, James Higham on the fall of America, a truly excellent prediction of what the Obama vote means for America and the world. I will excerpt it here:

“Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? ”

<…>Blair came to power mouthing sentences without predicates, verbs or specifics: “Now is the time to do,” “Britain forward, not back,” and “If you value it, vote for it,” and Obama has learnt from it: “Yes we can,” “Change we can believe in,” “If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you in Alaska.”

Oh, there is no doubt that the orchestrated insult to the intelligence will now be in full cry. The markets will rally, stocks will rise, the power will cease to bring the people to their knees for some time and give some respite. Obama will have victories and in spite of himself, he will find consensus. He’ll be hailed as the Messiah America and the world have been hoping for. He is naive and therefore can be guided. Or coerced. The perfect president.

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Obama-Constitution Got It Wrong..Wealth Redistribution way to go!

Thanks to Uppitywoman for photo

Obama tells Reporter in 2001 that the constitution got it wrong…Wealth Redistribution is way to go! You get er done administratively.

“I Will Vote Obama”

I will vote Obama
I will vote for a man I know nothing about

I will vote because it is time for a black man in the White House

I will vote for a man I really haven’t researched, and I really don’t want to know anything bad about

Because I will feel noble and good that I voted for a black man

or a man who definitely is NOT George Bush

I will vote for a man whose mother left America on purpose and stated the Americans around her in Indonesia were “not her people”

I will vote for a man whose father and stepfather were not Americans or Christians even though I felt uncomfortable about that Romney fellow and his Mormonism

I will vote for a man whose father figure mentor in Hawaii was a communist and hated America and “white oppression”

I will vote for a community organizer, even though I don’t know what that is

Saul Alinksy is the creator of the community organizer concept

I will not Google Saul Alinsky

I will not Google ACORN

I will vote for a man who ran unopposed for his Illinois State Senate Seat

I will not Google how that happened to occur

I will vote for a man who allies himself with an unrepentant radical terrorist

But he is an “education reformer” now!

I will not Google Bill Ayers enough to find out what he wants to reform public education into

although my children go to public schools

I will vote for a man who listened to Reverend Jeremiah Wright for 20 years

I certainly will NOT Google Black Liberation theology, white oppression, and Marxism in the same search!

I will feel good about myself after I vote Obama

who is not George Bush

I will feel good that America voted for Obama

I will await the praise from the world’s opinion of us on our wise choice…

I will be surprised when they still hate us

I will be surprised when I start to hate who I voted for

I will vote “anybody but Obama” in 2012

The New Constitution of Americas Union

The new Constitution of Americas Union
  by Henry Lamb 


When President Bush and his CANAMEX counterparts assemble in New Orleans April 21 for the 4th Annual Summit of the Americas, they will undoubtedly discuss a growing problem: how to continue denying that they are building a North American Union.
Despite the official denials, the snickering and the ridicule, the process continues.  The President, himself, may be just a pawn in a much bigger game being played by geo-political forces that also do not exist – officially.

Please click on the links below to see proposed Constitution and all the big ole plans they have for us..

These forces have created Constitution for Americas Union.  The bigger game includes six such “unions”, all of which are to function under a “reformed” United Nations.  It is important to note that among all the web sites linked to this Constitution for Americas’ Union, it is impossible to identify the individuals, or the organizations that are responsible for the initiative.  There is only a postal address in Sidney, Australia.

It is extremely significant, however, that several recognizable non-government organizations are identified as “dedicated to helping.” It should come as no surprise that The Clinton Global Initiativeis among these NGOs.  The Clintons have long been advocates of global governance.

Since there is no effort to create a North American Union, or global governance, according to Mr. Bush and many leading pundits, there could not possibly be an official blueprint for global governance produced by the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance in 1995.  Nor is there an official U.N. Millennium Declaration that describes – in flowery U.N. ambiguity – the goals of global governance.

It is clear why illegals want open borders…

Thanks to for image above..warning: language not for the faint of heart.

It is now equally clear why the Elite and Corporate want Open Borders..Follow the Money Honey & while you are at it follow the Power baby! Why, we can all be one big happy ‘one world’ with the dough being raked in at the expense of our Sovereignty. 

See previous posts below:


North American Union?

PREMEDITATED MERGER Inside the hush-hush North American Union confab


Even though U.S. officials pretend they do not exist, these documents are important because they pave the way for the Constitution of the Americas, and the other five global “unions.” They all advocate the same end goal: global governance.  The North American Union is but one, extremely important, step toward this ultimate goal.

The Constitution for Americas’ Union is the most explicit statement of goals yet made public. It is so extreme that a casual reading would likely result in immediate dismissal by Americans who still have some knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution. Who, in his right mind, would support a document that created a “Supreme Council,” of selected individuals to advise the “Secretary General” of the Americas

This proposed constitution bestows the rights, not only to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but also the right to adequate housing, a job, food, and good health.  It would abolish the concept of taxation, and impose, instead, a system of voluntary giving determined by the wealth and productivity of each individual.  Those who produce wealth would “give” more than those who do not.  Those who do not produce wealth have a government-bestowed “right” to receive housing, food, and living expenses provided “voluntarily” by those who do produce wealth.  To insure that the “voluntary” gifts are adequate, the constitution authorizes the government to impose fees for the services it renders, which may be applied selectively to those who “have”, and not applied to those who “have not”.

The system of governance created by this proposed constitution could not possibly be communism, because the government is advised by a “Supreme Council,” not a “Supreme Soviet.” Moreover, its supreme authority is a “Secretary- General,” after the fashion of the benevolent United Nations, not by a “President.”

Each “system” of government would have a “Supreme Director” of: planning; building and construction; culture and entertainment; education; employment; energy; finance; fitness and health; eco systems; justice; and many, many more.  Each “Supreme Director” would be appointed by the Secretary-General, and would have “sole authority” over all aspects of his domain.

Thanks to Woman Honor thyself  for this photo.

This proposed constitution is a wish list for the utopian one-world government pursued by some for more than a century.  While officials scoff at such notions, the world continues to move closer and closer to the procedures and belief systems espoused by these advocates.  While there may be no “official” connections between this proposed Constitution of Americas Union and the official Security and Prosperity Partnership, many of the goals are the same.

Could we get inside the various working groups, and the various NGOs that support these goals, it would not be at all surprising to learn that many of the individuals are participants in both.  In fact, where discoveries have been made through Freedom of Information investigations, NGOs such as the Council on Foreign Relations, and their individual members, do participate in the working groups and processes of the SPP.

Whether “official” or not, the SPP is moving toward a North American Union that meets many of the objectives of the Constitution of Americas Union.  Mr. Bush, and others, can deny, deny, deny.  All their bluster and ridicule combined cannot erase the clear facts that exist for all to see.  This process will continue to march forward unless we all rise up to stop it.  

UPDATE: My thoughts: All we need now is economic collapse..God Forbid…pray not..but would that not be a way to implement the above speedily?


 And finally, found this link : we will have to read and listen with discernment on this.. I have heard and believe I posted on the Fema camps..these are incredible plans if true.

More information can be found here,  source:WFI with link to The Last Trance” « Grace County

PREMEDITATED MERGER Inside the hush-hush North American Union confab


 U.S.State Department

By Jerome R. Corsi                               breaking.gif


Purple sarcasm by Angie (that be me)                             

WASHINGTON — A largely unreported meeting held at the State Department discussed integration of the U.S., Mexico and Canada in concert with a move toward a transatlantic union, linking a North American community with the European Union.

Yup, gotta keep things as quite as possible, we sheep must not know things, we might bah..bah…bah…

The meeting was held Monday under the auspices of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, or ACIEP. WND obtained press credentials and attended as an observer. The meeting was held under “Chatham House” rules that prohibit reporters from attributing specific comments to individual participants. 

Well, of coure, can’t actually let us sheep know who said what!

The State Department website noted the meeting was opened by Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs Daniel S. Sullivan and ACIEP Chairman Michael Gadbaw, vice president and senior counsel for General Electric’s International Law & Policy group since December 1990.

WND observed about 25 ACIEP members, including U.S. corporations involved in international trade, prominent U.S. business trade groups, law firms involved with international business law, international investment firms and other international trade consultants.

No members of Congress attended the meeting.

Did we expect them too? My goodness they have so much more important things to do than see about our countrys welfare! This is the lamest Congress I have seen in my lifetime! 

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Secret IRS Deal with Scientology?


Info sought on secret IRS deal

 with Scientology

‘Position represents unconstitutional favoritism of one religious group over another’

Well folks, we got a few influential  Californians trying to take away some parental rights (see previous post) and impose “THE RIGHTS OF A FEW”  Over your rights. Now we have some questionable favoritism shining on a cult (jmho) to give the cult some tax breaks…..But notice there are no breaks for christians or judaism. Wow…imagine that!!


A federal appeals court is being asked to tell the Internal Revenue Service to open up a secret deal with the Church of Scientology that reportedly allows members to deduct certain educational, or “auditing,” expenses, a benefit denied members of other faiths in the United States.The report comes from the American Bar Association Journal, which outlined the situation involving a case pending before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in California.The appellants in the case at hand, in which a decision hasn’t been released yet, Michael and Marla Sklar, are Orthodox Jews who took deductions for some of the private religious school tuition they paid for their children, the report said, as well as after-school classes in Jewish law.

The IRS disallowed the deductions multiple times, and a first case was closed, even though “the agency meanwhile reportedly has allowed members of the Church of Scientology, under a 1993 settlement agreement, to take substantial deductions for ‘religious training and services.’Continue reading

American Muslims For Obama

Hat Tip to No Compromise
This causes one to take pause. Inch by inch is how our enemy wins! A friend of mine sent me an email this morning re: Muslim Americans for Obama website. It’s just a reminder that the Muslims are serious about instituting their religious law on us even though we don’t take it seriously!Apparently, Muslims do not understand that our Constitution states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . . (1st Amendment) Obama who is running for president–the second branch of government to those of you who do not understand the Republic form of government that America operates under, IS pandering to the Muslims! Muslim Americans for Obama has placed this issues and solutions page on their website: click the photo above for the site.

QUESTION: What are issues and recommendations for solutions that are unique to Muslim Americans?

Their response:

1. A Law (Congress does this, buddy–my emphasis) against harassment of a Muslim women wearing Hijab at the Airport, DMV and other public arenas. Next it will be the burkah: gse_multipart31357.jpgIs this insanity or what?


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McCain, Who is he Really?

 I found this to be very interesting…what say you?

By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
A few weeks before Super Tuesday, my friend Howard Phillips asked me who I thought the Republican Presidential nominee would be. I predicted John McCain. With the results of Super Tuesday now history, most political pundits are also predicting that the Arizona senator will gain the Republican nomination for President. And with Mitt Romney now out of the race, McCain is all but assured the nomination. One did not need to be a seer to figure this one out.

For one thing, President George W. Bush all but destroyed whatever conservative influence was left in the GOP. Peggy Noonan is right about that.

Furthermore, the capitulation and compromise of principle by the Religious Right has also significantly sealed the death warrant of conservatism within the GOP. For the sake of not offending George Bush or losing whatever seat at the table the various leaders of the Religious Right felt they had, their spirit of resistance waned to the point that the very name “Christian Conservative” has lost all meaning, not to mention power.

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Thank you Mr. Bush for expanding 21st Century global slavery!

This post by No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!  expresses my feelings and thoughts exactly on our present administrations policies on illegal immigration. Hat tip to NO COMPROMISES:

IMHO It is one thing for private industry from foreign countries to invest in our country, they provide jobs that help fuel our economy. Quite another for foreign governments to buy on the ‘cheap’ here such as our banking industries..Can you imagine our future policies? Wake up America!


Harmony, liberal intercourse with all Nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. But even our Commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand: neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and d[i]versifying by gentle means the streams of Commerce, but forcing nothing; establishing with Powers so disposed; in order to give to trade a stable course; to define the rights of our Merchants, and to enable the Government to support them; conventional rules of intercourse; the best that present circumstances and mutual opinion will permit, but temporary, and libel to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate; constantly keeping in view, that ’tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from an other; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalence for nominal favors and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more (G. Washington-Farewall Address 1796).

 Bush and his fellow anti-American Senate Snakes are giving greater preference to Mexico and its Citizens than to America and her Citizens! I supported President Bush twice on his bids for the highest seat in the land. I thought he was doing great with 9-11 issues, the economy, pro-life and stem cell issues, until SCAMnesty was attempted to be shoved down our throats! That’s when I knew George Bush was a globalist FIRST, and then an American. It didn’t make sense to me that out of one side of his mouth he said he was pro-American economy, and then out the other side of his mouth he wanted to allow upwards of 30 million illegals to get an out of jail free card. A card used to illegally enter this country, and live off of the Citizens who also foot the bill on their food, housing, education, energy, and medical. These same illegals who flaunt their ungratefulness to this country by parading down American streets with their Mexican flags held high above our American flag!

 Illegals determined to colonize this country through their racist attempts at policy change! Bush thought the best of these “hard-working” illegals because they were supposedly doing jobs Americans didn’t want!

 Let’s examine this: Bush is of the belief that the concept of minimum wage is bad for business which I happen to agree with, so he allows millions of illegals to come here looking for the American dream and doing jobs that Americans “won’t do”? OR is it that illegals are doing jobs that American businessmen are unwilling to pay Americans to do? I am adamantly opposed to paying illegals substandard wages that are substantially less than what Americans are customarily paid to do for the same job. This is what is creating the magnet of illegals invading this country. Illegals get paid less than Americans, and that is why Americans aren’t doing those jobs! Not because they don’t want to do these jobs, but because business owners don’t want Americans to do these jobs!

 Furthermore, because illegals are working for less money, and no bennies, the rest of us end up having to pay for their living expenses that American businesses should be paying for!

What has Bush done to reduce the Welfare state? NOTHING! He has increased it and that’s another tendril in the root of the problem! This is Bush’s idea of helping the American economy, but he has only created a system of unjust weights and measures and he has turned a blind eye on businesses who are now free to hire illegals at the taxpayers expense! This is not equal weights and measures because illegals are treated differently and paid less than Americans.

If businesses would pay everyone the same then illegals wouldn’t be hired. Problem fixed and the magnet would loose it’s strength. This is a violation of the Constitution because it violates regular commerce between the states and individual Citizens verses aliens. There is to be only one standard not two, and the President is the last person who would make that decision. If Congress doesn’t have that authority to create two separate standards, then certainly the President doesn’t possess it either.

This behavior also violates George Washington’s Farewell address in that he said, “Observe good faith and justice between all nations (Sept 19. 1796). But who cares right? The Constitution is a living, breathing document, and those men of old were uneducated old geezers from the past who didn’t have to deal with the same issues we deal with today! Whatever!

This pisses me off! I resent the fact that my family is paying for all of these illegal’s costs of living while ours goes down, AND they have jobs too! I resent the fact that the vicious propaganda is that these illegals take jobs Americans won’t take as we are heading into a recession. LIES! I resent the fact that illegals have disposable income that my family doesn’t possess; hell, if we had all of our living expenses paid for this family would have disposable income too, and we could buy, buy, buy on credit like the illegals do, and help the big bankers, I mean, the economy too! I resent the fact that the Republican party “leadership” aka RINOs claim that we are missing an opportunity to gain more votes for the Grand Old Party if we stand in the corner of the illegals and give them SCAMensty.

All of this from a man who claims that he is doing it for the American economy; more like doing it TO the American economy! I am baffled by his actions. I’m baffled that I have to press one for English and the local school has Spanish on its reader board instead of English. How can any president say he is for America when he wants to erase the border and our American culture? It appears American voters can no longer find a President who actually cares for his country, and wants to protect it by following our Constitution, rather we now elect men who are power trippers, and care more about the concerns of foreigners then the arrows that fly against this great country.

 America is still great, but she is lead by co-dependent globalist leaders who seek approval and try to please the world. That’s how I see Bush!

Bush will spend his last year working on the economy, but for whose benefit? If he is going to allow illegals to cross our borders and throw our tax paid border guards in prison for doing their duty why bother trying to fix the economy? It doesn’t make any sense. In fact, I would rather Bush just go home now, and stop meddling in everyone’s affairs. If Bush wants to leave office with his head held high then this is what he needs to do in his final year: he needs to focus his attention on the affairs of this great Republic, and not those who are determined to kill this nation because they are intimidated and jealous by our greatness.

We are a compassionate bunch and will give the shirts off our back to anyone who needs it, but we won’t be forced to give our shirts because someone is whining out there or because someone decides that they want to take our country over! Once they take it over they will ruin this nation as they have ruined they own nation! This is what I don’t understand: our founders gave their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to leave the country of their birth and spilled their blood, sweat and tears to make a new life elsewhere so they could practice their beliefs in peace. Why can’t other people of their nations do the same in their own country? Why do we have to do it for them? Most Americans appreciate the sacrifice our founders went through for us, and understand that the men and women of old broke their backs so we could have the lives we have today, but those who come here illegally and those who don’t care about American culture do not appreciate what these brave men and women did for this country, and they don’t care about their sacrifice. They only care about what they can take out of us, and it’s fueled by the fires of the politics of grievance. Thank you Mr. Bush for expanding 21st Century global slavery! Thank you for redefining what it means to be an American. Thank you for redefining our economy, and doing it all without our permission like the kings of old who thought they had the divine right to do so simply because they were born into privileged positions, and thank you for putting foreign interests ahead of our own! Thank you!

Thank you No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!