Israeli VP Livni letter addressing Democracy,Development & FreeTrade

Israel lives in terror on a daily basis..They are criticised on a daily basis.. When they defend themselves and someone is killed in the process or some other tragedy…that’s usually all we hear every 15 minutes on the Media.

I for one feel Israel exercises extreme patience..they have had the capability for a long time to use stronger methods..they have chosen not to. The Terror organizations that use the Palestinians to further their cause…talk a good talk..they don’t do the walk..Israel has given and given land and more land..will it ever be enough? I for one do not think so. The Terror groups want to drive Israel into the much as Hitler did..They have said so many times..Peace talks would be meaningful if terrorists could be taken at their word..we have only their history to prove that it is meaningless chatter for them. I imagine they laugh, not only at Israel for trying but for the Western world to dare to imagine that they want peace. Peace is their way or the Highway! Don’t think I want to live under Sharia Law. In fact many of us would lose our heads rather soon for daring to be an ‘infidel.’

I thought I would share this letter with you that are interested in the Peace of Jerusalem..

Address by FM Livni to the 8th Doha Forum

on Democracy, Development, and Free


 Address by Vice Prime minister and minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni to the 8th Doha Forum on Democracy, Development, and Freedom
April 14, 2008

Mr. Chairman,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to pay tribute to the State of Qatar, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, for hosting this conference on a topic of global concern. I would also like to express our respect and appreciation to His Excellency Shiekh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have come here to Qatar, in a spirit of friendship and mutual respect, as a representative of the Government of Israel to an Arab state, with which we have maintained official relations, even in difficult periods, and with which we hope to strengthen our ties.

The continued dialogue between Israel and Qatar is a living testimony to the importance attached by both sides to this ongoing relationship, which serves the interests, not only of both sides, but of the entire region. We hope that other Arab states will follow the example of Qatar, as a means for promoting co-existence, understanding and peace in the entire region, especially in a period of time in which a genuine peace process is taking place between Israel and the Palestinians. To the Arab states of our region, some represented in this conference, we extend our hand in friendship.

The road to peaceful relations – just like the road to genuine democracy – begins with dialogue, mutual recognition and the free exchange of ideas.


We are gathered here to discuss democracy. But what is democracy? It may seem self evident, but it is not always so. 

We all share the same understanding that:
• Democracy is not just a word.
• Democracy is a way of life.
• Democracy is a value system.
• Democracy does not belong to any specific faith or national identity. There is no contradiction between democracy and religion, or between democracy and patriotism.
• Democracy is the natural birth-right of every human being.

At its heart, democracy is a system and a set of universal values, that promotes diversity, freedom of worship and freedom of speech. In so doing, it creates the space and the opportunity for each faith, for each identity and for each individual, while reflecting local cultures, traditions and values. 

Moderates and Extremists

But there are those who do not share our perception of democracy. I am referring to the extremists, who not only reject the genuine values of democracy, but also fight to deprive others of their rights and use violence as a legitimate tool in their battle.

On the other hand there are the moderates, who accept the principles of democracy, recognize the legitimacy of others and renounce violence.

This is the greatest conflict today – between the moderates and the extremists. This is also the new challenge of the entire region. We, the moderates of the region, are all members of the same camp, facing the same challenges posed by the extremists.

It is true that even amongst us, within the pragmatic camp, there may be differences of opinion and conflicts. Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership are in the midst of a process in order to resolve such a conflict. It is this vision of peace that binds together Israelis, pragmatic Palestinians and moderates throughout our region. The extremists have, unfortunately, the ability to block or prevent our vision of peace.

Therefore, it is quite clear now that Israel poses no threat to the stability and the peace of the region. It is equally clear now that the threat comes from the radicals, who refuse to recognize our democratic rights.

When I say “our”, I mean the rights of Israelis, moderate Palestinians, moderate Arab and pragmatic Moslem regimes alike. We must cast aside the outdated perception that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the cause for the extremists, and understand that our ability to come to terms depends on the extremists’ capability to prevent it.  

The threat of the extremists to the peace process and regional stability, is also via their abuse of democracy.
Democracy and Elections

Democracy is not just a technical process. Today, in different parts of the world, extremists are entering the democratic process via elections – not to abandon their violent agenda – but to advance it. It is the full right of democracies to defend themselves from those who wish to exploit the system in order to reach a position of power, and then abuse that power to enforce their radical ideology and disregard the values of democracy.

This is true for both Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority, in which the political process has been infiltrated. In both these cases, Lebanon and the PA, the outcome is a lack of stability.

We witness another breach of democracy, while three abducted Israeli soldiers  are still held in captivity, for no reason, denied access of the Red Cross or a sign of life. I would like to take this opportunity to call for their release. This is a matter of human rights, not politics.

No true democracy on earth allows armed militia, or groups with racist or violent agendas, to participate in elections. I have checked this matter, and in various constitutions around the world, it is prohibited. Also in Israel, a racist party cannot run for elections. 

I have called on the international community to adopt a universal set of standards for participation in democratic elections. This universal democratic code requires that all those seeking the legitimacy of the democratic process, earn it by respecting such principles as state monopoly over the lawful use of force, the rejection of racism and violence, and the protection of the rights of others.

The choice should be made before elections take place – terror or politics – but not “political terrorism”. The goal of such a universal code is to protect core democratic values from those determined to destroy them. The democratic process is not just a right – it is also a responsibility.

The Peace Process

According to the understanding of our new regional challenges, Israel left the Gaza Strip, dismantled all settlements, and gave an opportunity for Palestinian self rule, as a first step on the path towards a Palestinian state. For this reason, we launched the Annapolis process, to reach a peace agreement, implementation of which is subject to the Road Map. .
Peace talks are taking place with the pragmatic Palestinians, who recognize Israel’s right to exist, who seek to realize their national rights but choose the path of peace over terrorism. With such partners, who support the two-state solution, peace can be attained. The conflict is solvable.

There is no hope for peace with the extremists, who reject the two state solution, refuse to even recognize the existence of Israel and choose the path of violence. 

With the legitimate Palestinian government, representatives like Mahmoud Abbas, Abu Ala and Salam Fayyad, we share the vision of two states living side by side in peace and security. We recognize the fact that the Palestinian people have legitimate rights and aspirations. We have no interest in ruling their lives. Israel is committed to the establishment of a Palestinian state, as a nation state for the Palestinian people and a peaceful neighbor to Israel.

Equally, the people of Israel are entitled to those same rights. There is no place for terrorism, and no justification for terrorism. Just as a Palestinian state is an Israeli interest, so Israeli security must be a Palestinian interest.

Israel is deeply engaged in a peace process. The attainment of peace is an Israeli strategic objective, and it is clear that it entails further territorial concessions. Stagnation is not our policy. We have no interest in wasting time, or establishing facts on the ground that will impede the creation of a Palestinian state.

As the Israeli chief negotiator, the responsibility lies heavy on my shoulders, as this concerns our future. The talks are based on trust, and some principles: 
• The talks are bilateral only.
• Everything is on the table, yet nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.
• We do not share information with the media, or the public. There is a price that we pay. Lack of information leads to an incorrect image that nothing is happening. But the right thing to do is to continue to work seriously and discreetly. 
• Any future agreement is subject to full implementation of the first stage of the Road Map, for we cannot afford an additional terror state in our region. We are in need of a legitimate Palestinian government, like the one in the West Bank, which has effective control of both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

This is evidently clear with the violent takeover by the Hamas of the Gaza Strip. Although Israel fully withdrew all its forces from the Gaza Strip, dismantled all settlements and allowed for self Palestinian rule in this territory, instead of coexistence, we have received terror in return.
Gaza is not just an Israeli problem. It has become an obstacle to the formation of a Palestinian state.

In parallel to the negotiations, we must make changes on the ground. We must advance on the issue of security for Israel (terror attacks continue), and capacity building and economic promotion for the Palestinians.

We have also decided not to allow the daily frustrations to stop the talks. Although It is not easy for Israel to negotiate peace in days of terror, and  not easy for the Palestinians while Israel acts against terror in Gaza. But we must continue – for stopping the talks serves the interests of those who do not want peace.  

The role of the Arab and Moslem world
Ladies and Gentlemen, 

Peace requires historical reconciliation. We are ready and willing to walk this path. But, all sides must choose to walk with us. The hearts and minds of the entire region must be prepared for this historical process.   

Some of the states in the region, including Qatar, have taken important steps forward in this effort. By encouraging dialogue and acceptance of each other we can teach our children the blessings of coexistence. We can create the environment in which a genuine, dignified and lasting peace is possible.

We can promote mutual understanding by removing incitement and hatred material, and replacing it with messages of hope and mutual acceptance. This is the only way. To create public support for the decisions the leaders need to make. 

I would like the public to understand that the region is changing – as is evident and demonstrated in this wonderful gathering. To succeed in these efforts, all peoples of our region must have the courage to recognize the fact that we, Israelis and Arabs alike, face common challenges. We must together take responsibility for our region’s destiny, engage in dialogue, promote mutual projects and deny the extremists the ability to dictate the agenda.

In conclusion, democracy is a choice and an ongoing responsibility. From its founding, Israel made a choice to be a genuine democracy. We are both a Jewish state and a democratic one, and there is no contradiction between the two. We respect the equal rights of the Arab citizens, who are also represented in our parliament. There is much for us to do – we do not deny that Israel is still a young democracy, and we do not claim to be a perfect one.        

This International Conference on Democracy, Development and Free Trade is an ideal venue and surrounding for a rich and creative exchange of ideas and experiences. I wish you all a successful and enriching conference. The countries of the world and of the region can only benefit from this distinguished gathering.

Thank you. 


Articles of interest from the past 2 weeks: International fellowship of Christians and Jews

  • Israeli vacationers urged to leave Sinai
  • Jimmy Carter’s world
  • Israel will connect to U.S. early warning system
  • Sbarro terrorist unrepentant
  • Israel to Arab states: “We extend our hand in friendship”
  • Muslim Illegal Aliens and Truck Driving Cheats

    Source: Debbie Schlussel

    Remember the Missouri and Kansas trucking schools Debbie S. told you about a couple of years ago (here and here)? The majority of their students were Muslim illegal aliens, and school owners conspired with Muslim trucking company owners to helped these students cheat on and pass the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) tests.

    Well, as D.Schlussel  wrote then, this phenomenon has been happening all over the country, with Muslim illegal aliens going to trucking schools in droves, where they almost unanimously pass the CDL tests.When 9/11 happened we asked why this country allowed so many Muslim aliens to take suspicious flying lessons. This is the pre-9/11 of the road because CDLs lead to Hazardous Materials hauling certificates, and who knows what kind of deliberate disaster. It only takes one.

    The Detroit Al-Qaeda terror cell–whose convictions the government absurdly overturned–was caught with the answers to the CDL test in the house in which its members were living. Wonder what they were going to do with a truck and the HazMat hauling certificates they were seeking? We’ll never know. But we have a pretty good idea.

    truck.jpghazmats.jpgterrorist.jpgThe latest news is the conviction of Mustafa Redzicin Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and the question is whether or not the feds will track down his “students” and cancel their CDLs:

    Mustafa Redzic, owner of Bonsa Truck Driving School in St. Louis, was convicted late Wednesday of multiple charges involving a bribery/fraud scheme to provide easy tests to hundreds of students applying for commercial drivers licenses, United States Attorney Catherine L. Hanaway announced today.”Testimony at trial described a troubling pattern of corruption and deception that allowed hundreds of unqualified drivers to obtain commercial drivers licenses in use across the country,” said Hanaway, who along with Assistant United States Attorney Tom Albus, prosecuted the case.

    Co-defendant Troy Parr is a driver’s license examiner employed at a testing facility at 315 Lynual, Sikeston, Missouri, which conducted examinations for people seeking Commercial Drivers’ Licenses (“CDLs”) required for driving large trucks. Redzic runs Bonsa Truck Driving School, a driver education business which, until recently, operated at 7719 Hall Street in north St. Louis.

    Parr and Redzic formed a plan for Redzic to send his customers to Parr’s testing facility in Sikeston to receive “short tests” for their commercial drivers licenses. Redzic wanted his customers to receive a much less rigorous test than is proper under Missouri standards. For example, Parr’s test of Redzic’s customers would take approximately one half hour when a proper examination should take approximately two hours. Also, multiple students often took the same “short test” at once. In exchange, Redzic agreed to pay Parr’s facility the maximum fee authorized. Redzic was also willing to send his students on a two-hour one-way trip, past numerous other accredited testers, to receive these short tests. Parr benefited by the steady stream of business and Redzic benefited from the nearly 100% success rate his students enjoyed testing at Parr’s facility. After they had passed their examinations at Parr’s facility, Redzic’s clients could obtain more lucrative employment open to commercial drivers.

    Additionally, Redzic also invited Parr to St. Louis on numerous occasions where Parr would “consult” with Redzic on his drivers’ education operation in St. Louis. Redzic would cover Parr’s expenses on these trips, as well as provide Parr with a cash payment. These cash payments ranged from a few hundred dollars to several hundred dollars, and on one occasion Redzic paid Parr $2,500. In addition to cash payments, Redzic promised to eventually hire Parr as the director of his drivers’ education facility in St. Louis and promised Parr he would share in its considerable profits.

    Between January 2004 and April 2005, Redzic obtained approximately six hundred licenses for his clients through Parr. Redzic earned approximately $1,800,000 in tuition from those six hundred clients.

    What are we doing to stop this from happening? Why aren’t we limiting who takes trucking lessons and who qualifies to take the CDL test? Why are illegal aliens continuing to be licensed to drive trucks in America?

    Meanwhile two of our Border guards are languishing in prison for doing the job they were hired to do. Defend our Borders…Go figure..

    Al Qaida #2 Vows to Attack Jews Within and Abroad

    alzawahri2.jpgAl Qaida No. 2 Ayman Al-Zawahri.

    Al-Qaida’s second-in-command on Wednesday vowed to attack Jews both within and outside Israel, and predicted that a United States withdrawal from Iraq would cause Islamic militant power to grow and threaten Jerusalem.

    That is what we have been saying..fight them there, not here… within and outside Israel.. where can one go to escape their evil?

    “I expect the Jihadi influence to spread after the Americans’ exit from Iraq, and to move towards Jerusalem,” Ayman Al-Zawahri said in response to questions compiled by Islamist Web sites.

    “We promise our Muslim brothers that we will do our utmost to strike Jews in Israel and abroad with help and guidance from God,” he said to those asking when attacks on Israel would take place.

    What God? Surely not the God we know….

     Last week, the Al-Qaida leader called on Muslims to strike Israeli, Jewish and American interests in revenge for Israel’s ground incursion in the Gaza Strip in early March.

    Al-Zawahri on Wednesday also said that Osama bin Laden was well and reports he was sick were false.

    “Sheikh Osama bin Laden is in good health,” the militant leader said. “The ill-intentioned always try to circulate false reports about him being sick.”

    Yeah, he is hiding out…like the coward he is.. with a little help from his twisted friends..

    The audio message, which was accompanied by a 46-page English transcript, was the first installment of answers to a raft of online questions and focused mainly on future al-Qaida efforts elsewhere in the region, particularly Egypt.

    Al-Zawahri, who, like Bin Laden is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan or Pakistan, also denounced the United Nations.

    Well, a lot of us don’t much care for the UN..they must have asked you nicely to stop doing something E-VIL

    “The United Nations is an enemy of Islam and Muslims,” he said. He defended attacks on UN offices in an apparent reference to twin bomb attacks on UN buildings in Algiers which killed 41 people in December and the 2003 bombing of a UN building in Baghdad which killed 22.

    Yeah, you guys love to K-ILLL

    In response to criticism Wednesday about the organization’s notoriously brutal tactics, Al-Zawahri maintained that Al-Qaida does not kill innocents.

    “We haven’t killed the innocents, not in Baghdad nor in Morocco, nor in Algeria, nor anywhere else,” he said according to the English transcript which, like the audio message, appeared on Web sites linked to the group.

    In your mind, the only innocents are the IS-LAM-IST J-G-HADISTS, rest of us are In-fi-dels..

    He also predicted the end of the Saudi state, which is swimming against the tide of history and the government of his native Egypt, which he called “a corrupt, rotten regime [that] cannot possibly continue.”

    Now that’s kind of like saying you don’t like authority…perhaps??? Oh, unless it is your authority.. Why don’t you just spit it out??? YOU WANT TO RULE THE WORLD and behead or skin alive anyone that does not bow down to your rules….come on, ya know it’s the truth.

    Many of the questions he chose to answer focused on restarting the jihad in Egypt, which Zawahri himself helped begin and was crushed by the government in the 1990s.

    “The days will reveal to you what you didn’t know, and news will come to you from those who didn’t have it,” he said quoting an old Arabic proverb, about when the jihad would begin again in Egypt, and counseled patience.

    Egypt’s plainclothes State Security officers and uniformed police were declared permissible to kill in the struggle for Egypt and he hinted that he had supporters in the Egyptian army, like the man who assassinated former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981.

    There goes that authority problem again..Did you ever think of taking Anger Management classes?

    “The Egyptian army which produced Khalid al-Islambouli … continues to be full of those whose hearts boil with jealousy for Islam and Muslims and who long for the opportunity to remove the corrupt gang which rules Egypt,” he said.

    Well #2. You and Osama look like act like the biggest gang of thugs I ever heard of..

    Though the tape could not be independently verified, the message bore the logo of Al-Qaida’s media arm, al-Sahab, and appeared on Web sites linked to the organization.
    source: Watch

    Sharing some love for you today from #2…Whoopdedoo!

    Fitna, stand for free speech

     Christians must pay

    I join my friend NC asking all bloggers who are pro-Free Speech and refuse to be intimidated by Islamists to visit the site below and if you can upload the video please do so, I cannot get the video’s to upload for some reason.

    Please sign the petitions below ..thanks!

    Sign the Declaration Against Genocide here
    Ban the Koran as Hate Speech! Sign Petition here!

    Defense of Geert Wilders, .

    The Video link and post below is by and from

     No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!

    the link below for the video’s.

    FITNA–Stand for FREE SPEECH!

    NC Asks: If Islam is such a great world religion then why do it’s followers insist on suing those who vehemently speak out against it? If Islam is such a great world religion then why not allow the light of criticism to shine upon it without threatening to kill the questioner? If Islam is such a great world religion then why is Ayann Hirsi Ali, Craig Winn, Geert Wilders, and many others marked for deathfor speaking out against it? Why was Theo von Gogh murdered for questioning Islam’s treatment of women? What do the leaders of Islam have to hide? Why is killing Jews and Christians the only guaranteed path to Heaven under Islamic doctrine?
    Islam and Free Speech
    by Peter Hoekstra


    Marked for death: Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    The Netherlands is bracing for a new round of violence at home and against its embassies in the Middle East. The storm would be caused by “Fitna,”a short film that is scheduled to be released this week. The film, which reportedly includes images of a Quran being burned, was produced by Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament and leader of the Freedom Party. Mr. Wilders has called for banning the Quran — which he has compared to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — from the Netherlands.

    After concern about the film led Mr. Wilders’s Internet service provider to take down his Web site, Mr. Wilders issued a statement this week that he will personally distribute DVDs “On the Dam” if he has to. That may not be necessary, as the Czech National Party has reportedly agreed to host the video on its Web site.

    Reasonable men in free societies regard Geert Wilders’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, and films like “Fitna,” as disrespectful of the religious sensitivities of members of the Islamic faith. But free societies also hold freedom of speech to be a fundamental human right. We don’t silence, jail or kill people with whom we disagree just because their ideas are offensive or disturbing. We believe that when such ideas are openly debated, they sink of their own weight and attract few followers.

    Continue reading

    Homegrown Terroists on the Rise and growing



    Obama worked with Terrorists


     Since we are not hearing much or any media coverage about the infamous personal ties with Obama, I again bring to you more questionable acquaintances that he seems to have connections with.

     Okay, We have heard about Larry Sinclair, Communist mentor Davis, the Rock Star image, all former posts. Now let’s look at his record with a known domestic terroist, Two former Weathermen terroists one that J.Edgar Hoover called the most dangerous woman in America. Together they made the FBI’s 10 most wanted list.

    Hey, the list goes on and on, where is the News about this? Well, I guess Obama is too much of a media darling and perhaps they too want our country to go down the tubes. After all, they have never held back a good story in the past, whether true or not they brought it to our attention at least through journalistic investigation and reporting. I guess those days are going going gone….Unless they want to bring you down.

     Senator helped fund organization that rejects ‘racist’ Israel’s existence
    Sources: Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily


     JERUSALEM The board of a nonprofit organization on which Sen. Barack Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a “catastrophe” and supports intense immigration reform, including providing drivers licenses and education to illegal aliens.
    The co-founder of the Arab group in question, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, also has held a fundraiser for Obama. Khalidi is a harsh critic of Israel, has made
    statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.

    Continue reading

    Arch-Terrorist dead, now Nasrallah really miffed,

     Arch-terrorist explodes in Damascus, responsible for hundreds of murder

    Nasrallah: Now I’m really miffed; Israel girds for revenge attacks

    U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan expressed concern Tuesday about recent Israeli targeted killings in the West Bank, saying they amounted to executions without trial and put civilians at risk.Give me a break..You want executions? All ya gotta do is look at the Radical Islamists!
    Israel has stepped up its air strikes in recent days, killing several suspected terrorists, after repeated rocket attacks at Israeli towns from Gaza. On Monday evening, Israeli forces fired a missile at car and killed two terrorist members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, including one described as a senior commander.Yeah, they are acting in SELF DEFENSE….DON’T YOU GET IT?
    Annan also said he was concerned about “repeated rocket attacks” on Israel from the Gaza Strip, and stressed that both sides must respect international humanitarian law, according to a statement released by his spokesman, Stephane Dujarric.About time you at least mentioned some concern for Israel and acknowledged the attacks against them.“While recognizing Israel’s right to defend its citizens, targeted killings place innocent bystanders at grave risk and amount to executions without trial,” Dujarric said Tuesday.YEP, YOU ARE SO RIGHT…Targeted killings from Gaza on Israel are putting the Israelis at grave risk and many innocent bystanders there too. Yep, Israel best be defending herself.. I don’t see too many results with the U.N.’s peace keeping..DUH!!Meanwhile, Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s associates said he is determined to continue targeting terrorists. The killing of nine terrorists in recent days, the associates said, is a result of recent orders issued by the acting PM.IF CORRECT, I WOULD SAY ABOUT TIME!In recent days, Olmert instructed defense officials to operate against Palestinian terrorists while facing virtually no limitations until Qassam rocket attacks on Israeli targets cease. In the last government session, the acting PM in effect gave the green light to Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Army Chief Dan Halutz to make use of extensive means in order to assassinate terrorists involved in dispatching suicide bombers and Qassam rocket launchers.AP and Ynetnews contributed to this report.