Fitna, stand for free speech

 Christians must pay

I join my friend NC asking all bloggers who are pro-Free Speech and refuse to be intimidated by Islamists to visit the site below and if you can upload the video please do so, I cannot get the video’s to upload for some reason.

Please sign the petitions below ..thanks!

Sign the Declaration Against Genocide here
Ban the Koran as Hate Speech! Sign Petition here!

Defense of Geert Wilders, .

The Video link and post below is by and from

 No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!

the link below for the video’s.


NC Asks: If Islam is such a great world religion then why do it’s followers insist on suing those who vehemently speak out against it? If Islam is such a great world religion then why not allow the light of criticism to shine upon it without threatening to kill the questioner? If Islam is such a great world religion then why is Ayann Hirsi Ali, Craig Winn, Geert Wilders, and many others marked for deathfor speaking out against it? Why was Theo von Gogh murdered for questioning Islam’s treatment of women? What do the leaders of Islam have to hide? Why is killing Jews and Christians the only guaranteed path to Heaven under Islamic doctrine?
Islam and Free Speech
by Peter Hoekstra


Marked for death: Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

The Netherlands is bracing for a new round of violence at home and against its embassies in the Middle East. The storm would be caused by “Fitna,”a short film that is scheduled to be released this week. The film, which reportedly includes images of a Quran being burned, was produced by Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parliament and leader of the Freedom Party. Mr. Wilders has called for banning the Quran — which he has compared to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — from the Netherlands.

After concern about the film led Mr. Wilders’s Internet service provider to take down his Web site, Mr. Wilders issued a statement this week that he will personally distribute DVDs “On the Dam” if he has to. That may not be necessary, as the Czech National Party has reportedly agreed to host the video on its Web site.

Reasonable men in free societies regard Geert Wilders’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, and films like “Fitna,” as disrespectful of the religious sensitivities of members of the Islamic faith. But free societies also hold freedom of speech to be a fundamental human right. We don’t silence, jail or kill people with whom we disagree just because their ideas are offensive or disturbing. We believe that when such ideas are openly debated, they sink of their own weight and attract few followers.

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Homegrown Terroists on the Rise and growing




 On Islamic jihad, everyone is guilty except Islam. Pathetic.

Found this to be very interesting, we have not had any commenters to be guilty of threats..:) On my about page, I have just asked for commenters to be respectful to others, I now feel I need a policy page,  Be assured that This blogger will be of the resistance as long as possible. I will strive as always to be courteous but in my passion for free speech, I am turning off my moderator if you have been approved once, you should always be approved. I did not know how to qualify that in the past and I have never poofed anyone and I do not want to have to. I also do not want you to have to wait for your comment to appear as in the past.

 Be sure to look at the blogs in other countries that have been targeted. It is now here.  It seems we may eventually be  losing the right to jest on blogs then it will be another step and on and on it goes.

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Free Speech threatened by CAIR


             Savage shows how.  Stand up, Fight back


Mike Savage and his radio talk show have come under attack by the terrorist worshipping CAIR organization.

  This is not the first time CAIR has attempted violating the first amendment rights of those who disagree with radical Islam.  The CAIR organization also tried silencing author Robert Spencer when Spencer was scheduled to speak to the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) last summer.  CAIR had threatened legal action against the YAF if Spencer spoke. 

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