Say It Ain’t So Joe!


Poor man told Katie on CBS that the ad the Nobama campaign ran was ‘terrible’ and he would not have run it.. You remember the ad making fun of McCain because he could not use a computer, (due to his war injuries he suffered as a POW.) then the campaign wheelers and dealers ala NObama had to reign him in..he had to say he had not seen it and back up on his earlier comment.

Poor Joe, say it ain’t so.. that you can’t have an opinion. At least McCain and Palin can disagree.

Barack Obama slapped his loose-lipped running mate Tuesday, chastising Joe Biden for speaking too fast and contradicting him on one of the massive financial bailouts.

Biden, a Delaware senator, declared last week the federal government should not have floated the American International Group an $85 billion lifeline.

Obama said the feds had no choice and hit John McCain for opposing the AIG rescue one day, then backing it the next.

See the full original link below over at GoodTimePolitics

Obama spanking Joe Biden like a baby!

This was when Biden was campaigning for the Presidency during the Primaries.

Thought this was interesting, It may very well come back to bite him..He sure has had a lot of problems with NObama.

Hattip:Right Truth

Sen. Joe Biden, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s incoming chairman, wants to get tough with Mexico, calling it an “erstwhile democracy” with a “corrupt system” responsible for illegal immigration and drug problems in the U.S.

Biden, D-Del., was in Columbia on Monday in his first postelection trip to this first-in-the-South presidential primary state as he continues to line up support for his presidential bid.

During a question-and-answer session before more than 230 Columbia Rotary Club members, Biden was asked about immigration problems.

Biden, who favors tightening the U.S.-Mexico border with fences, said immigration is driven by money in low-wage Mexico.

“Mexico is a country that is an erstwhile democracy where they have the greatest disparity of wealth,” Biden said. “It is one of the wealthiest countries in the hemisphere and because of a corrupt system that exists in Mexico, there is the 1 percent of the population at the top, a very small middle class and the rest is abject poverty.”

Unless the political dynamics change in Mexico and U.S. employers who hire illegal immigrants are punished, illegal immigration won’t stop. “All the rest is window dressing,” he said.

An even bigger problem are illegal drugs “coming up through corrupt Mexico,” he said. “People are driving across that border with tons, tons — hear me — tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamines, to cocaine, to heroine.”

Covering a variety of topics, Biden kept most of the crowd in their seats for an hour — twice as long as scheduled.

“I warn all of you, all of you making more than a million bucks — I hope you all are — I’m taking away your tax cut,” Biden said. “I’m not joking.”

Sounds like Barack Obama will need to have a debate with Joe Biden, in addition to John McCain.


No Americans Need Apply/ Fake Job Ads Defraud

What a joke! Here is a law firm for law firms..their goals are to make sure Americans do not get the job..Is that not lovely? Did we have any doubt? Why don’t we just get it over with and give our country a new name? Meximerica .. It is BULL that Americans will not work. BULL! If this does not change soon, our children/grandchildren are going to have a rough time raising their families..forget the American dream..It is being stolen while we are oh so blind to what is happening and procrastinate on making a lot of noise to our reps. I suggest a lot of noise as it is clear that you have to do it over and over and over to aggravate them enough that they want to get you freaking off their back! To quote that famous line once again..

“I’m Mad as H#ll and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Personally I wish we applied Mexico’s immigration laws here. You can check their laws out at the link at the bottom of this page.

Don’t think it would go though..We after all, must not enforce our laws. All the globalists and special interests just would not be happy with an immigration policy that was tough! That would not be humane much less PC. Meanwhile, back in the states, it is open season for purchasing our landmarks, our banks, and controlling our economy but then this seems to be what all those in power have allowed to happen since Nafta rolled in..opps, I was not PC to have mentioned the dangers that could happen with this policy..HERE’S THE DEAL…Capitalism is great! Greed is Not! 0ne of our founding fathers John Adams mentioned just such a danger over 200 years ago!

So give a big old round of applause for all the treasonous Lawyers and their esteemed treasonous firms and the treasonous greedy companies that pay them …Yeah, find a loophole so you can bring this country further down the pit and while you are at it…please don’t call yourself an American. Don’t forget the treasonous politicians that support it.. Are there any that did not support it? That is the question? America is for sale according to them..I call it Treason!

Hattip to Debbie Schlussel

Yet another story that puts the lie to the claims about the “work Americans won’t do” and the Wall Street Journal’s whines that we need for H1-B visas for “skilled” foreigners.

It’s not news that law firms across America are specializing in advising and helping U.S. corporations to avoid hiring qualified Americans. Last year, I told you about a seminar hosted by the law firm of Cohen and Grigsby, in which they shamelessly engaged in exactly that. (Video reposted below.)

What is news is that the government–it appears–is finally doing something about it. Not Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), but the Department of Labor.

It is now investigating the nation’s largest immigration law firm over allegations that it helped major U.S. corporations disqualify American job applicants and give thousands of high-paying positions to immigrants. (Obviously, the jobs become far less “high-paying” when they don’t go to Americans.)


The unprecedented Labor Department inquiry centers on Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy – a New York firm at the forefront of a political effort to ease hiring of skilled foreign workers.The Labor Department is auditing all pending applications for legal immigrant workers the firm has filed on behalf of its corporate clients.

Fragomen’s prestigious client roster includes General Electric Co., IBM Corp., Cisco Systems Inc., Intel Corp. and Bank of America Corp., according to company publications and trade journals. The firm also represents The Associated Press on immigration issues.

The inquiry focuses on what advice the law firm gave its corporate clients. There was no indication the companies themselves are under scrutiny. [DS: Gee, why not?]

The Labor Department said that Fragomen may have improperly advised clients to contact a Fragomen attorney before hiring “apparently qualified” U.S. workers. The agency said lawyers can advise employers on how to follow the law in hiring immigrants but can’t dissuade them from deciding a U.S. worker is qualified.

The audit focuses on what is known as the permanent foreign labor certification, or PERM, process. Companies normally use it to permanently hire legal immigrants who have been working for them on temporary visas. It essentially allows companies to sponsor workers for green cards, the first step to U.S. citizenship.

Before applying, companies must recruit and try to find a qualified U.S. worker for the same job. If they do, they can’t hire the foreigner. . . .

With more than 200 attorneys, Fragomen is overwhelmingly the biggest player in an industry where firms with several dozen immigration attorneys are considered large firms.

In 2004, the last year the Labor Department made such information about law firms public, Fragomen lawyers filed more than 3,600 labor certifications – more than twice as many as its largest competitor.

The firm’s managing director has also said Fragomen represents about half of the Fortune 100 companies. Last year, Fortune 100 companies submitted more than 5,300 applications. The jobs listed in the applications pay an average of $80,000. And the largest group of applicants were from India.

Sadly, many law firms are engaging in this illicit advice and helping businesses take jobs away from Americans. Unless the government goes after both this law firm and all of the companies engaging in these practices, they will continue.


Video: The Law Firm of Cohen and Grigsby a/k/a “Dewey, ScrewAmerica, and Howe”

click here for video: PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards fo

Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker. And in a sense that sounds funny. But it’s, uh, what were trying to do here.

Click link for this video Lou Dobbs: Law Firm teaches how to avoid hiring Americans

What an outrage! Get mad and flood your reps with calls, notes and fax or email… This is truly a war on the Middle Class! They have got to get rid of the loopholes that slick lawyers find to the detriment of our country and our way of life!

For another great link on how a community is affected by companies like Verizon and others hiring illegal aliens and local Governments bias. It is happening all over the Nation. If it is not in your area will be, if we don’t take a stand like we did with the border fence. check out this linkbelow: I am so glad I did not switch to Verizon..with the present trend..who know’s there may not be any choices left one day soon..we are expected to ‘suck it up’ just like we do with rising energy costs..They just about have us where they want us. With a lame do nothing Congress that cares more about PC. than actually taking an unpopular stand.

Illegal Immigration Problems in Loudoun

hattip to bwana at renaissanceruminations

Finally read :

Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Tryit Here at Home & Candidates record on Immigration

Obama and Hillary/Clinging to Guns/Religion& No New Taxes?

When I listened to the debate last night between Clinton and Obama..Overall thoughts were the following:

Good questions finally.. by the two moderators from ABC News, Charles Gibson and George Stephanopolous.

The two candidates abandoned any past pretenses of comity. This time there were no warm handshakes or friendly smiles, and when they praised each other, it was faint and almost grudging. She pounded him with the word “bitter,” and he countered with bittersweet — bringing up the cookie remark

Clinton hit as hard as she might dare given that she must not offend the Super Delegates.. heard she lost 3 anyway that were offended with her part in the debate..?? She mentioned his associations with a couple of weathermen…now professors..I might add he was asked about this first. So it gave HC the perfect opportunity

Obama hitbackwith the baking cookies comment she made in 92 and B.Clinton pardoning two Weathermen before leaving office.

She was assertive and certainly not bashful in her comments. He seemed annoyed as he sought to answer questions about his pastor, his reluctance to wear an American flag pin on his lapel and his association in Chicago with former members of the Weather Underground, a radical group that carried out bombings in the 1960s that were intended to incite the overthrow of the government


 Both said they would not raise taxes, Clinton says ya gotta make 250,000 or over to have your taxes raised..Obama tried to say same but then said needed more looking into.. perhaps 97,000 and up.. just had to look into it.. Mrs. Clinton appeared, for the most part, confident and in control, particularly when the discussion moved to such questions as how the two candidates would respond to an attack by Iran on Israel. Both Clinton and Obama said they would not raise taxes on middle class Americans — those making less than $200,000 to $250,000 a year — though Mr. Obama, pressed by a questioner, acknowledged that he had said he was open to making more income below that threshold subject to the Social Security payroll tax. They also had differences on the capital gains tax; Mrs. Clinton said that if she were to raise it from its current 15 percent level, it would not be to above 20 percent, while Mr. Obama said he would consider raising it as high as 28 percent.

Clinton says we cannot choose our families but we can choose our pastors…Clinton would withdraw troops within 60 days…Obama 16 months… Both would use their power to be the Pres over any General..while they would listen to their advice… Clinton thinks she can handle the Repubs better than Obama cuz she has had her baggage rummaged for years and knows how to handle it… He says he can handle it..they both think it is too early to decide on who should be their VP. Loved their smiles when asked if they would run together as a team. HC said yes,yes yes, (somewhat annoyed) but she would be the better candidate when asked if she would support Obama if nominated.. and of course Obama said he would support HC. and he would be the best one for the ticket. 

On the tax issue. HC says she will put people to work creating jobs..infrastructure and such.. Don’t remember how Obama would raise the money to pay for college educations, health insurance and all that jazz..

The rich in each party must have nearly fainted at the revelation that the denizens of small towns in Pennsylvania and other states have absolutely no concern for the rich’s ability to acquire servants from Mexico at a reasonable price.

Overall, interesting.. if I did not know much about either, their voting records, where they stand  On the issues ..which you can see on my sidebar by clicking the issues. (Of course, I may need to check it out again..sounds like a lot of pandering for votes or do I detect they are abandoning some of their former positions in this debate?) I would think they were for keeping our guns..(at least for hunting, is that what they did in Australia?) protecting us with a strong defense and restoring love to our country from others..that they would whip our economy into shape… the middle class really is important to look after their interests and HC is sorry for embellishing her story on Bosnia and as far as Obama..What does it matter with whom you associate with.. and so it goes….Oh, I would be excited about the no new taxes for the middle class..since I am quite a way off from Hillary’s 250,000..and Obama’s is really yet to see..but now for the bar has been raised..will he top it or stay within it?

Of course, there are still many questions not asked..including the border question and illegal immigration.

It really does not matter who you associate with or my goodness, who mentors only matters when it is brought up and you have to defend your position which is wrong in any candidates view..  

In regard to mentoring, there was this interesting post Obama Mentor ‘Communist’ Did not hear them ask about Frank Davis, perhaps it was because both candidates have mentors of the same persuasion?  Now neither of these mentors makes them communists. But you will have to admit, it is very interesting as I hear all the time how we are influenced by those around us and with whom we hold in high regard. Or just maybe High Disregard…hopefully.

Here is a link from Aurora of the Midnightsun


Obama had been so careful until now, “framing” his message as “change” — rather than partial birth abortion, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, tax hikes, socialized medicine and abandoning mandatory minimum prison sentences for federal crimes.

His message is “change” — Ya know his wife has not been proud to be an American for most of her life.

Clinging to Guns and Religion
As the battle for the Democratic nomination continues, Barack Obama is facing criticism from remarks he made last week at a San Francisco fundraiser. When describing small town voters’ frustrations with tough economic times, he said:
“So it’s not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”

Obama has since described the remarks as “clumsy” perhaps it revealed a lot more..

 No doubt, these voters are insulted by the national media’s implication that small-town residents aren’t smart enough to grasp issues beyond Sen. Barack Obama turning down coffee, his terrible bowling or the number of times Hillary Clinton has been duck hunting. Just call me a Red Neck! Think there is a country song about a Red Necked woman…whoo hoo!

Wonder why the anti-immigrant remark above was not addressed or did I miss it? To be fair, it should have said ANTI ILLEGAL ALIENS.. Just saying… of course, I am not considered to be one of the PC crowd. They would have you believe we don’t like which I say..if you are gonna say what we think…tell it like it really is. As far as trade goes…well, what did they say they were going to do about it? Are they going to try to get rid of Nafta? Are they part of the one world globilization crowd or not? Just wondering….

Liberals will tell you the 2nd Amendment says, “…The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, doesn’t guarantee the Right to bear arms because the preamble to the 2nd Amendment says, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…”

 source below:Bassey Etim

 Liberals should be strident defenders of the right to bear arms. The long-term threat the government we empower poses to our individual liberties is too great to ignore. The final safeguard against tyranny — our collective right to revolution — cannot be considered intact among an unarmed population.

Of course, our collective conscience demands an answer for the lives senselessly lost to gun violence. It’s easy to construct a law restricting gun ownership, but we can’t delude ourselves into thinking this will end  violence.

Anti-gun advocates are correct to say many nations with far lower crime rates have more restrictive gun laws. But the United States has a different organizational mission — to be principled stalwarts for liberty. If we abandon the founding intent of our nation, America will lose its ideological soul and become vulnerable to totalitarians who monopolize power to capitalize on some popular fear. The ultimate power in our nation lies with citizens. And if our ballot boxes are corrupted and our democratic institutions defunct, we have a moral obligation to free ourselves,

Most conservatives claim liberals encourage tyranny through government by forcing the promulgation of bureaucracy and government-administered aid. Rather, we are safeguarding our common humanity. The guns safeguard our common liberty.

source above:Bassey Etim

IMO, it is the beginning of the end when we the people do not have the right to bear arms.. We are kidding ourselves if we think for one minute that the ‘bad guys’ won’t have access to them. Take this liberty take another..and on it goes… a never ending saga until ‘we the people’ cease to have any power over our lives.

None of the candidates (McCain included) have great records regarding gun control. Hillary says she will address this soon on her site. Updated, I am sure. It’s a tricky walk to make when you try to please those would change our Bill of Rights and Constitution and those that embrace and hold dear their revolutionary documents.

Quotations on Gun Control

“The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”  –Samuel Adams

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.  Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”  — Benjamin Franklin, 1759 

“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”  — Patrick Henry 

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”  — Heinrich Himmler

“This year will go down in history.  For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration!  Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”   — Adolph Hitler

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”  — Thomas Jefferson





On the subject of faith Expelled 
Ben Stein is playing with fire by releasing Expelled a new satirical documentary highlighting the fact that the debate seems to be over on how the Earth was created. Stein says about the movie:
‘I mean, we basically say it’s very hard to believe that something came from nothing and that we don’t understand that where gravity came from, we don’t understand where the laws of physics or thermodynamics or fluid motion came from, we don’t understand how life came from a mud puddle when there was one that was mud and the next day there was life and then a few billion years later there was man. How did that happen? No Darwinist has ever been able to come close to an explanation.’
Stein says the movie is quite possibly the most expensive documentary ever made, so you can go expecting movie quality scenes. Stein is also not holding his breath for any awards—which usually seem to be given out for topic rather than quality.


Analysis of the immigration portion of President Bush’s 2008 State of the Union address

Analysis of the immigration portion of President Bush’s 2008 State of the Union address:

“The other pressing challenge is immigration. America needs to secure our borders. And, with your help, my administration is taking steps to do so. We’re increasing worksite enforcement, deploying fences and advanced technologies to stop illegal crossings.
It’s not difficult to improve upon your administration’s pathetic record on worksite enforcement. During Fiscal Year 2002, the first full fiscal year of your term, there were only 25 criminal and 485 administrative worksite enforcement arrests. Last fiscal year, these numbers increased to 863 criminal and 4,077 administrative arrests. (And for the record, the vast majority of the illegal aliens who were “administratively” arrested were released back into our communities because they did not meet your administration’s guidelines for removal. But more on that in the next section.) By way of comparison, in Fiscal Year 1998, there were 7,788 worksite investigations that resulted in 642 warnings, 1,023 notices of intent to fine, 535 final orders, and 17,552 arrests. (Your administration stopped providing these detailed statistics, undoubtedly because of its dismal performance.) With a minimum of eight million illegal aliens working in this country, it will require much more than token efforts to discourage employers from hiring them.

Fences, cameras, radars and other advanced technologies do not stop illegal crossings. Fences merely slow people down by perhaps a minute or two, and technology only detects intrusions, but is incapable of capturing anything. If there are insufficient numbers of Border Patrol agents in place to respond, the people and contraband that are detected will not be apprehended. Although the Border Patrol catches about one million people every year trying to sneak across the border, front-line agents estimate that two to three times that number slip by them.

“We’ve effectively ended the policy of “catch and release” at the border.”

Unfortunately, “catch and release” is alive and well in the interior of the United States where most of the illegal aliens reside. In light of the fact that your administration started the practice of “catch and release” at the border, you don’t get any credit for ending an insane policy that tripled the number of illegal aliens entering the United States from all countries except Mexico.

“And by the end of this year, we will have doubled the number of Border Patrol agents.”

If you hadn’t waited until the waning days of your term to start hiring Border Patrol agents, you could have tripled or even quadrupled the size of the Border Patrol. Remember your Fiscal Year 2005 budget request that sought to decrease the size of the Border Patrol? How about your Fiscal Year 2006 budget request that only sought an increase of 210 Border Patrol agents despite the requirement of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to hire 2,000 agents every year for the next five years? The American people haven’t forgotten.

“Yet we also need to acknowledge that we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy. This will take pressure off the border and allow law enforcement to concentrate on those who mean us harm.”

Don’t you mean “support businesses that want cheap, exploitable labor?” At a time of high unemployment and underemployment, the last thing our economy needs is more unskilled laborers to place additional burdens on a social infrastructure that is already sagging under the weight of uncontrolled illegal immigration. You don’t explain how our economy can create even a fraction of the jobs necessary to satisfy the desire of billions of impoverished people throughout the world who want to work and live in America. Your so-called solution makes about as much sense as suggesting that the way to stop bank robberies is to print more money.

“We must also find a sensible and humane way to deal with people here illegally. Illegal immigration is complicated, but it can be resolved, and it must be resolved in a way that upholds both our laws and our highest ideals.”

Ah, now we get to the bottom line. In exchange for your administration’s insincere and woefully inadequate enforcement efforts, you want another massive amnesty. It didn’t work in 1986, when there were only two to three million illegal aliens living in the United States. Instead of slowing the rate of illegal immigration, it exacerbated the problem, fueling a five-fold increase in illegal immigration. The American people spoke loud and clear on this issue last year. What part of “no” don’t you understand?

The 14th Amendment/Immigration

The 14th Amendment/ Immigration

Special Thanks & hat tip  to Word For It…for excellent information for this post 

Please read the links near bottom for more helps.

The Oath of Allegiance for Naturalized Citizens

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”


. . . The Mexican government recently provided dual nationality to its citizens who naturalize in the United States. No longer looked upon by their countrymen with contempt, those who emigrate (and sneak in) to the United States are seen by Mexico as advocates for its presumed territorial claims to the American Southwest. Mass immigration, while acting as an overpopulation safety valve for Mexico, simultaneously strengthens Mexico’s political presence inside the United States. Mexican dual nationality serves to retain the allegiance of its citizens who become United States citizens, and to discourage assimilation – in spite of the oath of allegiance they take to America.

Unconstrained illegal immigration and disregard for the rule of law are not conducive toward maintaining US sovereignty. Special corporate and political interests want all the cheap foreign labor they can get. Misinterpreting the 14th Amendment and granting automatic birthright citizenship to children of illegal aliens is but one aspect of the dismantling of America.

In April, 2005, President Bush signed the Security Prosperity Partnership with Canada and Mexico, with the stated objective of ensuring the free movement of goods and people across the US border. This treaty, never ratified by Congress, is a significant step towards the North American Union where a sovereign United States will be merely a memory. . .

Other Countries

The United Kingdom, for example, formerly allowed Birthright citizenship. In 1981, because of immigration pressures, they restricted it to now require that one parent be a legal resident. In France birthright citizenship has been changed – now children between the ages of 16 and 22 of illegal alien parents must actively seek French citizenship.

It should be noted that on June 11, 2004 Irish voters voted in a national referendum to end automatic citizenship for any child born in Ireland regardless of the parents’ residence status. Ireland was the last member of the European Union to allow pregnant foreigners to gain residence and welfare benefits as a result of birth in the country. (Seattle Post Intelligencer, June 13, 2004.)


The Urban Institute estimates the cost of educating illegal alien children in the nation’s [USA] seven states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens was $3.1 billion in 1993 (which, with the growth of their population to 1.3 million, would be more like $5 billion in 2000). This estimate does not take into account the additional costs of bilingual education or other special educational needs.

FAIR estimates there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. This figure is based on the crude birth rate of the total foreign-born population (33 births per 1000) and official estimates of the size of the illegal alien population – between 8.7 and 11 million. It should be noted that the Bear Stearns investment firm and others have concluded that the actual number of illegal aliens in the United States could be as high as 20 million.2,3 Using this higher number would roughly double FAIR’s estimate to approximately 574,000 to 726,000 children born to illegal aliens each year!

As of 2001, the cost of having a baby in the U.S. ranged from $6,000 to $8,000 for a normal delivery and $10,000 to $12,000 for a cesarean birth (to as much as $14,000 in certain parts of the country).10 Assuming that an average birth in the year 2007 now costs $8,000, the total cost for 363,000 anchor babies would be approximately $3 billion. Assuming the more realistic number of 726,000 anchor babies, the total cost would be nearly $6 billion. American taxpayers pay a substantial part of this cost.

In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year.1 A survey conducted under the auspices of the University of California, found that of new Hispanic mothers in California border hospitals, 15 percent had crossed the border specifically to give birth. Two-thirds of births in Los Angeles County hospitals are to illegal alien mothers who are in the U.S. in violation of our existing immigration laws.

Illegal aliens are not eligible for welfare benefits, but their citizen children qualify for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and other benefits granted to US citizens. Based on data collected in California for AFDC’s “children only” cases, the California Department of Social Services estimated that in fiscal 1994-1995, 193,800 children of illegal aliens received welfare, costing $553 million.

 Illegals determined to colonize

By not addressing this abuse of the Fourteenth Amendment and enforcing immigration law, the funds that state and local governments must provide to anchor babies amounts to a virtual tax on U.S. citizens to subsidize illegal aliens.

Rule of Law

By deliberately not addressing this loophole, Congress in effect rewards law-breakers and punishes those who have chosen to follow the rules and immigrate legally. . .


The 14th Amendment

Original Intent 14th Amendment:




Books and Essays:

What Can Be Done:


Find out Who Are Your Elected Officials/Key Bills in Congress:

Learn Cost and Activities of Illegal Immigration in Real Time:


. . .”Ladies and gentlemen, the sanctuary cities and the people that support them are violating the laws of the United States of America. They’re violating 8 USC section 1324 and 1325, which is a felony — [it’s] a felony to aid, support, transport, shield, harbor illegal aliens,” Walsh stated.

Walsh said his analysis indicating there are 38 million illegal aliens in the U.S. was calculated using the conservative estimate of three illegal immigrants entering the U.S. for each one apprehended. According to Walsh, “In the United States, immigration is in a state of anarchy — not chaos, but anarchy.”

Full Report Access:


Thank you Mr. Bush for expanding 21st Century global slavery!

This post by No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!  expresses my feelings and thoughts exactly on our present administrations policies on illegal immigration. Hat tip to NO COMPROMISES:

IMHO It is one thing for private industry from foreign countries to invest in our country, they provide jobs that help fuel our economy. Quite another for foreign governments to buy on the ‘cheap’ here such as our banking industries..Can you imagine our future policies? Wake up America!


Harmony, liberal intercourse with all Nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. But even our Commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand: neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and d[i]versifying by gentle means the streams of Commerce, but forcing nothing; establishing with Powers so disposed; in order to give to trade a stable course; to define the rights of our Merchants, and to enable the Government to support them; conventional rules of intercourse; the best that present circumstances and mutual opinion will permit, but temporary, and libel to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate; constantly keeping in view, that ’tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from an other; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalence for nominal favors and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more (G. Washington-Farewall Address 1796).

 Bush and his fellow anti-American Senate Snakes are giving greater preference to Mexico and its Citizens than to America and her Citizens! I supported President Bush twice on his bids for the highest seat in the land. I thought he was doing great with 9-11 issues, the economy, pro-life and stem cell issues, until SCAMnesty was attempted to be shoved down our throats! That’s when I knew George Bush was a globalist FIRST, and then an American. It didn’t make sense to me that out of one side of his mouth he said he was pro-American economy, and then out the other side of his mouth he wanted to allow upwards of 30 million illegals to get an out of jail free card. A card used to illegally enter this country, and live off of the Citizens who also foot the bill on their food, housing, education, energy, and medical. These same illegals who flaunt their ungratefulness to this country by parading down American streets with their Mexican flags held high above our American flag!

 Illegals determined to colonize this country through their racist attempts at policy change! Bush thought the best of these “hard-working” illegals because they were supposedly doing jobs Americans didn’t want!

 Let’s examine this: Bush is of the belief that the concept of minimum wage is bad for business which I happen to agree with, so he allows millions of illegals to come here looking for the American dream and doing jobs that Americans “won’t do”? OR is it that illegals are doing jobs that American businessmen are unwilling to pay Americans to do? I am adamantly opposed to paying illegals substandard wages that are substantially less than what Americans are customarily paid to do for the same job. This is what is creating the magnet of illegals invading this country. Illegals get paid less than Americans, and that is why Americans aren’t doing those jobs! Not because they don’t want to do these jobs, but because business owners don’t want Americans to do these jobs!

 Furthermore, because illegals are working for less money, and no bennies, the rest of us end up having to pay for their living expenses that American businesses should be paying for!

What has Bush done to reduce the Welfare state? NOTHING! He has increased it and that’s another tendril in the root of the problem! This is Bush’s idea of helping the American economy, but he has only created a system of unjust weights and measures and he has turned a blind eye on businesses who are now free to hire illegals at the taxpayers expense! This is not equal weights and measures because illegals are treated differently and paid less than Americans.

If businesses would pay everyone the same then illegals wouldn’t be hired. Problem fixed and the magnet would loose it’s strength. This is a violation of the Constitution because it violates regular commerce between the states and individual Citizens verses aliens. There is to be only one standard not two, and the President is the last person who would make that decision. If Congress doesn’t have that authority to create two separate standards, then certainly the President doesn’t possess it either.

This behavior also violates George Washington’s Farewell address in that he said, “Observe good faith and justice between all nations (Sept 19. 1796). But who cares right? The Constitution is a living, breathing document, and those men of old were uneducated old geezers from the past who didn’t have to deal with the same issues we deal with today! Whatever!

This pisses me off! I resent the fact that my family is paying for all of these illegal’s costs of living while ours goes down, AND they have jobs too! I resent the fact that the vicious propaganda is that these illegals take jobs Americans won’t take as we are heading into a recession. LIES! I resent the fact that illegals have disposable income that my family doesn’t possess; hell, if we had all of our living expenses paid for this family would have disposable income too, and we could buy, buy, buy on credit like the illegals do, and help the big bankers, I mean, the economy too! I resent the fact that the Republican party “leadership” aka RINOs claim that we are missing an opportunity to gain more votes for the Grand Old Party if we stand in the corner of the illegals and give them SCAMensty.

All of this from a man who claims that he is doing it for the American economy; more like doing it TO the American economy! I am baffled by his actions. I’m baffled that I have to press one for English and the local school has Spanish on its reader board instead of English. How can any president say he is for America when he wants to erase the border and our American culture? It appears American voters can no longer find a President who actually cares for his country, and wants to protect it by following our Constitution, rather we now elect men who are power trippers, and care more about the concerns of foreigners then the arrows that fly against this great country.

 America is still great, but she is lead by co-dependent globalist leaders who seek approval and try to please the world. That’s how I see Bush!

Bush will spend his last year working on the economy, but for whose benefit? If he is going to allow illegals to cross our borders and throw our tax paid border guards in prison for doing their duty why bother trying to fix the economy? It doesn’t make any sense. In fact, I would rather Bush just go home now, and stop meddling in everyone’s affairs. If Bush wants to leave office with his head held high then this is what he needs to do in his final year: he needs to focus his attention on the affairs of this great Republic, and not those who are determined to kill this nation because they are intimidated and jealous by our greatness.

We are a compassionate bunch and will give the shirts off our back to anyone who needs it, but we won’t be forced to give our shirts because someone is whining out there or because someone decides that they want to take our country over! Once they take it over they will ruin this nation as they have ruined they own nation! This is what I don’t understand: our founders gave their lives, fortunes and sacred honors to leave the country of their birth and spilled their blood, sweat and tears to make a new life elsewhere so they could practice their beliefs in peace. Why can’t other people of their nations do the same in their own country? Why do we have to do it for them? Most Americans appreciate the sacrifice our founders went through for us, and understand that the men and women of old broke their backs so we could have the lives we have today, but those who come here illegally and those who don’t care about American culture do not appreciate what these brave men and women did for this country, and they don’t care about their sacrifice. They only care about what they can take out of us, and it’s fueled by the fires of the politics of grievance. Thank you Mr. Bush for expanding 21st Century global slavery! Thank you for redefining what it means to be an American. Thank you for redefining our economy, and doing it all without our permission like the kings of old who thought they had the divine right to do so simply because they were born into privileged positions, and thank you for putting foreign interests ahead of our own! Thank you!

Thank you No Compromise When it Comes to Being Right!

McCain Record on our borders


I am sick of a Legislative system that does not seem to care about its constituents concerns..Losing our liberties and freedoms that our fathers have given their lives to ensure. A media that has its own agenda-Far Left! The lies, Greening and carbon talk, In short Be politically correct or you are fired! Apathy, lack of knowledge, I could go on and on but I will spare you.. 

One of my beefs is how we have been putting off the border that clearly the American people want not just to keep illegals out but for safety and security. So I am going to be looking at the record and sharing with you various candidates and their record on this issue and other important matters.  I suppose I have had more respect for Sen. McCain than any of his contenders as he has paid an enormous price for our freedoms. Personally I do not know how he or anyone else for that matter can take torture and isolation for 5 years as he did as a prisoner of war. He knows what he is talking about as he has experienced and paid the price when it comes to sending our husbands, sons, and brothers to war. I especially admired his courage to choose to stay a prisoner with his men (when he was offered to be set free because of who his father was ) So I am more than a little disappointed with his record here on Illegals.

With all that said, you do know what is important to you.. so let us look at it… and then we can vote in November what is truly important to us..

“The spin masters may think illegal immigration is an issue that pits conservative Republicans against liberal Democrats. But it doesn’t always. Nowadays, worry about illegal immigration is just as likely to mean that African Americans are terrified of racist alien gangs in Los Angeles. Asian Americans are frustrated that their relatives with college degrees wait years to emigrate legally, while thousands without high-school diplomas to the south simply break the law to enter the United States. And many Mexican Americans are probably tired of being expected to defend the indefensible of foreign nationals breaking immigration laws simply because they may share an ethnic heritage with illegal aliens. To the extent Democratic candidates ignore illegal immigration, or demonize those who worry over hundreds of thousands of new illegal aliens each year, or talk of guest workers and amnesty before they mention closing the borders, it is a losing issue that could alienate millions of voters. Democratic candidates can’t really claim that redneck racists are rushing to the border to clash with poor campesinos just crossing to better their lives, because many poor Democrats also resent how illegal labor drives down their own wages. It is mostly the American poor and middle class who worry about the sudden influx of thousands who don’t speak English and often need public assistance.” —Victor Davis Hanson

Info Taken from Patriot Post

There is indeed much to admire about Sen. John McCain, ranging from his courage as a POW to his extraordinary leadership in pushing for the troop “surge” in Iraq. But this has not been the case with his disingenuous blustering on illegal immigration — particularly when his cosponsorship of mass-amnesty legislation with Sen. Edward Kennedy is raised. The Arizona Republican now says that, in the wake of last summer’s defeat of “comprehensive immigration reform,” he has “gotten the message” that the border must be secured before the status of illegals already in the United States can be dealt with.
That’s fair enough. But it doesn’t give Mr. McCain the right to shut people up when they ask legitimate questions about his immigration record — which includes cosponsoring legislation to permit illegal aliens to pay lower in-state tuition rates denied to some students that are in the country legally, supporting Social Security benefits for illegals and voting against an amendment last year that would have permanently barred gang members, terrorists and other criminals from the United States.
In a Jan. 5 debate, Mr. McCain declared that anyone who says he supported amnesty is “a liar, is lying.” Several days before he won the New Hampshire primary, Mr. McCain was asked by a voter about criticism of his record. The senator replied: “I do not support, nor would I ever support, any services provided to someone who came to this country illegally, nor would I ever and [I] never have supported Social Security benefits for people who are in this country illegally.” Any assertion to the contrary, he added “is absolutely false.”
To be certain, there are some bright spots to Mr. McCain’s immigration record. Last year, for example, he voted to permit the sharing of information contained in amnesty applications if requested by a law enforcement or intelligence agency and voted to make it more difficult for illegals to benefit from sanctuary-city policies. But time and again, he has sided with the pro-amnesty, open-borders crowd. Following is a partial listing of some of Mr. McCain’s troubling actions on illegal immigration:
Supporting mass amnesty. The May 29, 2003, Tucson Citizen quoted Mr. McCain as stating that “Amnesty has to be an important part of” any immigration solution. He was part of the bipartisan coalition that tried to pass amnesty legislation in 2006 and 2007. In 2006 he voted in favor of S. 2611, legislation that would reward between 10 and 11 million illegals with amnesty if they apply for legal status and pay a $2,000 fine.

Supporting in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Mr. McCain was a cosponsor of S. 774, the Dream Act, providing in-state tuition for illegal aliens. The legislation would have enabled illegal aliens who entered the United States before age 16 to obtain a green card and then use their newly acquired status to obtain green cards for the millions of parents who illegally brought their children with them into the United States. Mr. McCain missed a Senate vote on the issue in October. He said that he would have opposed it on the Senate floor had he been there to vote.

Voted to kill border fence. In 2006, Mr. McCain voted for an amendment to S. 2611 offered by Sen. Arlen Specter to require consultation with the Mexican government concerning the construction of fencing along the U.S.-Mexican border. According to Numbers USA, an organization that lobbies against illegal immigration, this amendment would have effectively guaranteed that the border fence was never built.

Voted against permanently barring gang members and terrorists from the United States. Last year, Mr. McCain voted against an amendment (Senate Amendment 1184) introduced by Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, that would have permanently barred gang members, terrorists, sex offenders, alien absconders, aliens convicted of domestic violence and aliens convicted of at least three DUIs from the United States. The Cornyn Amendment was rejected on a 51-46 vote.

Social Security :I will be coming back with this as could not find again, but I remember it was not good. It was for illegals drawing it in some fashion. 

On McCain’s website, it seems like a lot of backwater has been taken. but above is the record.

 This nation’s 12 million illegal aliens need to be urged homeward in part because, if we don’t do it, we are in effect inviting tens of millions more to come. Mr. McCain is willing to let most stay put forever if they pay a penalty and bristles when it’s suggested this is a reward, a kind of amnesty. But it is. Let’s grant that no solution is without complications and that tough actions against hiring most illegals will push them to return to where work is possible. Our own least advantaged groups will then be likelier to prosper, as will the rule of law.
The worst of Mr. McCain is symbolized by the act that bears his name — McCain-Feingold, which among other of its abominations tells Americans who have grouped together to make themselves felt on issues that they have to shut up on radio and TV as elections draw close. Mr. McCain has said he thinks the First Amendment protection of free speech is dispensable in order to have “clean government,” and he fiercely castigates “negative advertising,” which can actually be useful in educating voters as long as it is honest.
Mr. McCain wants you to know about him on his own terms — it’s part of a style some say is authoritarian, despite the constant appearance of bonhomie.

Mr. McCain is not the least of the candidates in his party this year, but he’s far from the best, either. 

The High Cost of Illegal 


The American taxpayer foots the bill for tens of billions of dollars in services and other benefits given to households of low-skill immigrants, many of whom are here illegally.

On average, each of these 4.5 million households receives nearly three dollars in taxpayer-funded services for every dollar it pays in taxes, according to a special report from The Heritage Foundation.

The Heritage report, published as the Senate takes up legislation to put illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship, calculates that households of low-skill immigrants paid an average $10,573 in taxes in fiscal 2004.

But these low-skill immigrants received almost three times as much — $30,160 per household — in government benefits and services. That’s a “fiscal deficit” of $19,587.

That’s also about $10,000 more in services and benefits — mostly welfare payments — than the average U.S. household got.

“Over the next 10 years,” analysts Robert Rector and Christine Kim write, “the net cost (benefits minus taxes) to the taxpayer of low-skill immigrant households will approach $1 trillion.”

At least half of adult illegal aliens don’t have a high school diploma, according to Pew Hispanic Center, compared with 25 percent of legal immigrants. By contrast, 9 percent of nonimmigrant adults lack a high school diploma.

Americans tend to be “net taxpayers” during our working years — that is, the amount we pay in taxes exceeds the cost of services we consume. In retirement, we become “net tax takers” — benefits received exceed taxes paid.

But it’s a different case for households of low-skill immigrants. No matter the age of the head of household, benefits received far exceed taxes paid by low-skill immigrants, defined as those without high school diplomas. The total gap in fiscal ’04 alone: $89.1 billion.

“Assuming an average adult life span of 60 years for each head of household,” Rector and Kim write, “the average lifetime costs to the taxpayer will be nearly $1.2 million for each low-skill household.”