Guest Book


I thought this would be a neat place for those that are bored with politics and the state of the Union. 🙂
Here is your spot


  1. Yay! A guestbook! 😀 Good to see you back on the blogs. I hope you’re feeling better. I have a new blog I’ve been posting on regularly: Life’s been going well as a whole. 🙂

    Working on it girlfriend. Thanks. Can’t wait to see it. I will be over a.s.a.p. I am so behind I feel like I am ahead!
    So glad everything going well for ya!

  2. I liked your new layout this morning-and you’ve changed again-lol! I have a good humorous post (political type) that you might enjoy. Come on over and check it out:

    Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

    What can I say sweetie, have a hard time making up my mind.. or finding myself on this blamed! I checked that out the other day and I do want to hat tip you on that soon. Loved it, could not see the pics for some reason but it was hysterical no less.
    Thanks girlfriend.

  3. Duh~you come over too! I don’t think you’ve been over yet.
    Everyone’s invited. It’s hilarious!

  4. I love your new sidebars Ang, especially the “contact congress” with the zip. I can’t get it to work though, maybe I’m not holding my mouth right. Ha! I’ll try again!

    Thanks Friend,
    Don’t feel bad. I can’t get it to work either, although the Media button works just fine..go figure..
    I will try to work on that contrary thing later.

  5. You’ve been tagged! Check it out here:

  6. Hey Angie! My NEW blog site is up and running! Check it out and update your Reader and links! 😀

    Congrat Shades, I will try to do that as soon as I can. You go girl!

  7. I see you have been visiting the loft at Life at the Foot of the Stairs. I thought you would enjoy his site! BTW~how are ya? Hope everything is A-OK in your world. Thanks so much for coming over and participating with my quizzes from Blogthings! Love Ya!

    Yes, really have enjoyed his posts..Thanks for suggesting his site.
    I am better, thanks. How bout you girl? You know I warned yall I am a real sucker for quizzes..LOL!

  8. Hello Angie! Just popping in to say howdy! I also wanted to thank you for the kind words you said in regards to Patch! Thank you! Mere

    <eBeen thinking of you Mere, wish I could do more to ease your painl You are in my prayers.’Love and hugs

  9. Keeping you in thought and prayer! Hugs Deb

    You don’t know how much that means to me Deb. Thank you so very much.
    Love and Hugs to you. will try to get over this week. Have missed ya!

  10. Hey Angie! Haven’t heard from you in awhile. I hope you are well. I have something waiting for you at my Blogger blog.
    bloggingiszen(dot)blogspot(dot)com 😉

    Hi Shades, I will be over as soon as I can. I am having a tough time..but know I will be fine..just takes so much longer these days..I am so tired and hurt with this Chronic Fatique and Fibromyalgia. I know the long infection battle I had has probably caused this and my own lack of balance…:) Love you all so much..Thanks for thinking of me..I have done 2 posts of late and they will probably stand for this week. I will try to get around to my blog buddies this week.
    Big ole hugs

  11. I have something for you at my place:

    You Make My Day Award

    Aw thank you Mercedes, Will be over soon, promise.

  12. I am Sharing the Love at my place!

    Thanks Mercedes, I am a donor. You are such a sweetheart.

  13. Thanks Angie for stopping by my blog and making a comment, I wish everyone that stops by would at least say hi! 🙂 We have to get out and speak our mind or Obama will take over the White House. Keep up the good work!
    Thanks again,
    Paul (

  14. Hi! I am totally new to the blogging world. I just began looking at bloggs a couple weeks ago. Just stumbled onto yours today. Very Interesting. Will want to spend more time here reading and discussing I’m sure.
    I just started my own blog a couple days ago. Its pretty sparse right now. It is called My Daughter’s Wedding and the address is So I will welcome any visitors, comments, suggestions, etc. I don’t really know what I am doing:)

    Hi, I am so glad you found us. I can totally relate. I still don’t know what I am doing.. I just do and hope and pray it works..when it does not…well, needless to say I get frustrated with it. lol!:)
    I will be over as soon as I can..sorry I have been so late in checking this..had some challenges this past month. I have really missed my blogging friends.

    Hope to see ya real soon

  15. Hi Angie. Just checking out the gals that Writer Chick talked about today. Looks like you and I are in different political boats, but hey, I don’t agree with all my family and friends either. 🙂

    Hi, Piedtype. Thanks for visiting.. hey, I don’t agree with lots of people but I still love em. Well, correction..most! Truly the world would be terribly boring if we all agreed on everything. Come back and see us.

    Sorry I am just now getting to this, had some challenges this last month, but I think I am going to live..:) lol!

  16. Ang, Hope you can feel the love and how much I am missing you! Please send me an email at when you have a chance to let me know you are ok and just busy! Love ya, Deb

    I have felt the love and I have missed you blind! Just seeing this, I may email you soon.

    Love and lots of hugs

  17. Angie, I have a little something for you over at my place. With much appreciation, please enjoy!

    Pink Biz 😀

    Thank you PB. I will be over as soon as possible.
    Hugs to ya!

  18. Hey Angie, I just wanted to check in and say hello. Haven’t seen you around much lately. Hope you are well.

    Hi Shades, Thanks for stopping by. Yep, I have been out of commission, but trying to do a little more as I can. Thanks and hugs to ya!

  19. Hi Angie! Hope you are well. It was great to “see” you last week. 🙂 I have a prize for ya at my blog. 😀

    Hi Shades, better just trying to pace better than before. lol! 🙂
    Thanks for asking. Ohhh, a prize? I be loving prizes..:)

  20. Hi Sister Angie,

    Please see:

    Help Us spread His Living Word…

    And Thanks SO Much…

    b <

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