Prophet of Gloom or Alarmist

I was reading an editorial I wanted to share with you from The Paducah Sun 

Alec Baldwin was spot on even if it was unintentional. In his blog Tuesday the actor activist praised the “Nobel Prize winer Abert Gore.” That little typo succinctly captured the former vice president’s essence. He is such a whiner.

Alarmist Al received his Nobel Peace Prize Monday for his work raising awaremess of global warming. His acceptance speech prompted Callow Alec to call Gore “a true global leader.” Of course, in the same post, Baldwin says Gore was “turned out of the presidency by dangerous Bush operatives,..cowardly Supreme Court justices…and thugs posing as election officials on the payroll of Florida’s governor, Jeb Bush.”

Now that’s a vast right-wing conspiracy.

It’s no surprize that someone gullible enough to believe George Bush could pull off a plot of that magnitude would buy what Gore is selling.                                                                                                                Gore also said the “unwelcome verdict” of his loss to George W.Bush “brought a precious if painful gift: An opportunity to search for fresh new ways to serve my purpos…. That quest has brought me here.”


Gore was at his Chicken Little best at Oslo, citing some new reserach proving that we are even nearer the brink than previously thought. He said, “One study estimated that the (North Polar ice cap) could be completely gone in 22 years. Another new study, to be presented later this week ….warns it could happen in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.”

But the MetSul Weather Center in Brazil reported this week that the Arctic ice cap, which did indeed see a record ice melt this summer, has recovered to within 1 percent of normal with winter yet to begin, while the Antarctic ice cap has grown by 772,000 square miles-nearly 20 times the area of Kentucky-in just the last year.

And a new study published this week in the International Journal of Climatology shows that 22 widely used climate models have gotten it wrong for three decades. The models predicted temperatures in the middle and upper troposphere, one to six miles above the earth’s surface, would rise drastically. But actual temperature measurements have revealed almost no temperature change.

Gore thinks the gloval threat is serious enough to compel governments to immediately, drastically curb carbon emissions. He does not, however, think the threat is serious enough to turn down the temperature of the heated indoor pool at his Nashville mansion. Or to skip his excursion aboard a private jet to the tourist resort Bali this week to meet with 10,000 other well-heeled alarmists who will spend 12 days sipping on coconut-mango daiquiris and wringing their hands over climate change.

Participants at the Bali confab will dump between 47,000 tons (U.N. estimate_ and 100,000 tons (private estimate) of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, most of it from the jets transporting the delegates. That’s about the amount of C02 generated by the country of Chad in a year.

In his acceptance speech, Gore did offer a solution.”Most important of all, we must put a price on carbon-with a C02 tax…to shift the burden of taxation from employment to pollution. This is by far the simplest and most effective way to accelerate solutions to this crisis.

The fix for global warming is new taxes? Oh, Great Guru, we expected something a little more, well, profound after coming so far in search of wisdom. You remind us of a former senator from Tennessed; he also thought the solution to every problem was higher taxes.


He’s right. Had he been elected president, Gore might actually be doing harm. Instead, he serves a new purpose–providing an endless source of material for late night comics, columnists, cartoonists and editorial writers. His persecuted messiah complex produces comically hyperbolic predictions of gloom. which, combined with the hypocrisy of his ostentatious lifestyle, reveal to everyone-except himself, apparently–what a buffoon he is.

It may be ridiculous to honor this charlatan with a Nobel Peace Prize, but the award ensures that Gore will instead of seeking public office, continue to take himself very seriously doing what he is doing, rendering him harmless.

And for the same reason, we’re glad Alec Baldwin never made good on his threat to leave the country if Bush got elected. He provides almost as much material as the “true global leader.”

People, let’s get a grip..Besides Power & Prestige …follow the money..follow the power prestige mongers. Internationalism, Loss of American Sovereinty, and redistribution of wealth is the name of the game.