Fairness Doctrine =Shut Up & Will Jackboots Be The Name Of the Game!

OBAMA’S FIRST AMENDMENT THREAT: The examples of the Obama camp harnessing government to extinguish its critics are accumulating at a disturbing pace.

N.M. Sen. Jeff Bingaman cheers the return of the Fairness Doctrine as a “higher calling,” Oh really?

How long until all dissent is silenced? 3 examples today, and an update

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Obama Video That Could Cost Him This Election If Known

Be Informed and pass it around.

Kenyan insiders say Obama was part of takeover strategy. Odinga is Obama’s cousin. Seems it runs in the family to want to lead the country. As I understand it, Obama went there using taxpayer money. Many deaths were the direct result of the violence that ensued, women and children burned to death in church. Listen to the video carefully. See and hear.

Obama’s involvement amounted to a coordination with Odinga on the campaign, according to the sources.

The general tone of the strategy was to encourage the Odinga campaign to claim to be leading in the presidential race regardless of the actual numbers and be prepared to proclaim victory even if Odinga lost.

memorandum documenting that Obama arranged for Odinga to receive in his U.S. trips nearly $1 million in campaign contributions from Obama fund-raisers and donors to assist Odinga in his 2007 presidential campaign in Africa.

The finance memo, prepared by Shakeel Shabbir, the head of Odinga’s campaign finance accounting section, also detailed that among the 72 individuals and organizations that contributed money to Odinga’s 2007 presidential run in Kenya was Saif el-Islam Gadhafi, the second oldest sun of Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi, who also was listed as contributing nearly $1 million to Odinga’s campaign.

The Shabbir document lists the Obama-generated campaign contributions from the U.S. as having been donated by “Friends of Senator B.O.”

For more indepth detail see:

Sure does sound familiar, but I don’t expect we will be seeing much of this from the MSM.

Now check this out fromNoQuarterusa Wade Rathke: Acorn’s Founder, Ayers Compatriot

This is yet another of Bud White’s great investigative articles that you’ll want to read and share with everyone) This is very very informative..Please read it all with links.

The lines of evidence now converge: the founder of ACORN is Wade Rathke, who, like William Ayers, was a member of the Students for a Democratic Society. The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the student organization founded in 1960 as part of the New Left, was the gateway drug to the Weather Underground. In the early sixties, the SDS was idealistic and many reluctantly supported Lyndon Johnson for president in 1964, and grainy black-and-white pictures show clean-cut men and women registering southern blacks to vote. Tom Hayden was amongst this group. But that was then.

By 1969, their Great Society liberalism had been co-opted by Marxists, Maoists, Spartacists, and other assorted revolutionary groups. They were no longer interested in change, but overthrowing the government. It was during this time that Wade Rathke first came into contact with Bill Ayers.

Read the rest

Dirty Chicago Politics by Obama

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I have had major objections with McCain. With that said, I do believe he is honest. For that reason he may very well lose this election. I am more ANTI-OBAMA than anything else. However I will be voting for McCain. With all his flaws it is still true he is the one who has fought for us in more ways than one..I just wish he would start hammering on these issues and stop talking about bi-partisanship, We know you are McCain..just drop the nice guy or we are going to have one dangerous man in the highest office in the land.

I have posted in the past many times on BHO and his methods that were less than admirable. Remember how he ran unopposed for his seat. Remember how he and his cronies made sure Alice Palmer the incumbent was ineligible so he could have a sure win..much easier to get elected running unopposed. eh?

He played dirty with Hillary, and the DNC turned a blind eye. When Hillary released evidence of fraud to the media..the media did not run it. Is this what we are coming to? Sheep led to the slaughter by a con artist?

If you want to know how The great one of change plays..read on and be sure to see the videos on ‘We will not be silenced. They are important for every individual that cares about democracy. Email them..let’s get viral. They are.

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No Americans Need Apply/ Fake Job Ads Defraud

What a joke! Here is a law firm for law firms..their goals are to make sure Americans do not get the job..Is that not lovely? Did we have any doubt? Why don’t we just get it over with and give our country a new name? Meximerica .. It is BULL that Americans will not work. BULL! If this does not change soon, our children/grandchildren are going to have a rough time raising their families..forget the American dream..It is being stolen while we are oh so blind to what is happening and procrastinate on making a lot of noise to our reps. I suggest a lot of noise as it is clear that you have to do it over and over and over to aggravate them enough that they want to get you freaking off their back! To quote that famous line once again..

“I’m Mad as H#ll and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Personally I wish we applied Mexico’s immigration laws here. You can check their laws out at the link at the bottom of this page.

Don’t think it would go though..We after all, must not enforce our laws. All the globalists and special interests just would not be happy with an immigration policy that was tough! That would not be humane much less PC. Meanwhile, back in the states, it is open season for purchasing our landmarks, our banks, and controlling our economy but then this seems to be what all those in power have allowed to happen since Nafta rolled in..opps, I forgot..it was not PC to have mentioned the dangers that could happen with this policy..HERE’S THE DEAL…Capitalism is great! Greed is Not! 0ne of our founding fathers John Adams mentioned just such a danger over 200 years ago!

So give a big old round of applause for all the treasonous Lawyers and their esteemed treasonous firms and the treasonous greedy companies that pay them …Yeah, find a loophole so you can bring this country further down the pit and while you are at it…please don’t call yourself an American. Don’t forget the treasonous politicians that support it.. Are there any that did not support it? That is the question? America is for sale according to them..I call it Treason!

Hattip to Debbie Schlussel

Yet another story that puts the lie to the claims about the “work Americans won’t do” and the Wall Street Journal’s whines that we need for H1-B visas for “skilled” foreigners.

It’s not news that law firms across America are specializing in advising and helping U.S. corporations to avoid hiring qualified Americans. Last year, I told you about a seminar hosted by the law firm of Cohen and Grigsby, in which they shamelessly engaged in exactly that. (Video reposted below.)

What is news is that the government–it appears–is finally doing something about it. Not Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), but the Department of Labor.

It is now investigating the nation’s largest immigration law firm over allegations that it helped major U.S. corporations disqualify American job applicants and give thousands of high-paying positions to immigrants. (Obviously, the jobs become far less “high-paying” when they don’t go to Americans.)


The unprecedented Labor Department inquiry centers on Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy – a New York firm at the forefront of a political effort to ease hiring of skilled foreign workers.The Labor Department is auditing all pending applications for legal immigrant workers the firm has filed on behalf of its corporate clients.

Fragomen’s prestigious client roster includes General Electric Co., IBM Corp., Cisco Systems Inc., Intel Corp. and Bank of America Corp., according to company publications and trade journals. The firm also represents The Associated Press on immigration issues.

The inquiry focuses on what advice the law firm gave its corporate clients. There was no indication the companies themselves are under scrutiny. [DS: Gee, why not?]

The Labor Department said that Fragomen may have improperly advised clients to contact a Fragomen attorney before hiring “apparently qualified” U.S. workers. The agency said lawyers can advise employers on how to follow the law in hiring immigrants but can’t dissuade them from deciding a U.S. worker is qualified.

The audit focuses on what is known as the permanent foreign labor certification, or PERM, process. Companies normally use it to permanently hire legal immigrants who have been working for them on temporary visas. It essentially allows companies to sponsor workers for green cards, the first step to U.S. citizenship.

Before applying, companies must recruit and try to find a qualified U.S. worker for the same job. If they do, they can’t hire the foreigner. . . .

With more than 200 attorneys, Fragomen is overwhelmingly the biggest player in an industry where firms with several dozen immigration attorneys are considered large firms.

In 2004, the last year the Labor Department made such information about law firms public, Fragomen lawyers filed more than 3,600 labor certifications – more than twice as many as its largest competitor.

The firm’s managing director has also said Fragomen represents about half of the Fortune 100 companies. Last year, Fortune 100 companies submitted more than 5,300 applications. The jobs listed in the applications pay an average of $80,000. And the largest group of applicants were from India.

Sadly, many law firms are engaging in this illicit advice and helping businesses take jobs away from Americans. Unless the government goes after both this law firm and all of the companies engaging in these practices, they will continue.


Video: The Law Firm of Cohen and Grigsby a/k/a “Dewey, ScrewAmerica, and Howe”

click here for video: PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards fo

Our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker. And in a sense that sounds funny. But it’s, uh, what were trying to do here.

Click link for this video Lou Dobbs: Law Firm teaches how to avoid hiring Americans

What an outrage! Get mad and flood your reps with calls, notes and fax or email… This is truly a war on the Middle Class! They have got to get rid of the loopholes that slick lawyers find to the detriment of our country and our way of life!

For another great link on how a community is affected by companies like Verizon and others hiring illegal aliens and local Governments bias. It is happening all over the Nation. If it is not in your area soon..it will be, if we don’t take a stand like we did with the border fence. check out this linkbelow: I am so glad I did not switch to Verizon..with the present trend..who know’s there may not be any choices left one day soon..we are expected to ‘suck it up’ just like we do with rising energy costs..They just about have us where they want us. With a lame do nothing Congress that cares more about PC. than actually taking an unpopular stand.

Illegal Immigration Problems in Loudoun

hattip to bwana at renaissanceruminations

Finally read :

Mexico’s Immigration Law: Let’s Tryit Here at Home & Candidates record on Immigration