Is There A Green/Energy Connection with Soro’s Goldman Sachs and Obama?

We have been hearing a lot about $500 Billion for stimulus package, Obama Team wants to work on infrastructure..etc: Oh, right, Paulson did change mind about the Government buying mortgages. Then the Team wants to tackle Global warming.

0ur country is losing jobs right and left. So my question is ‘why in the world would Team Obama want to cost us more jobs in the energy field? Why would ‘the team’ care more about the ‘environment’ than the middle class? Why does ‘the team’ not get it or care that Americans screamed loud and clear that they wanted to be free of Foreign dependence and rely on our resources? Why now when so many are suffering as it is? Why? I have too many questions that need answering and the American people deserve to know the I challenge us all to find out.

I have posted prior on

Guess What? Obama Plans to Bankrupt Coal Industry!

I have also posted on George Soros before below:

Will Soros Money Determine Election Results? Will Racism Be an Issue?

…Now add Goldman Sachs to the questions? Oh, and don’t forget the Obama connection. We have seen in the past that you can follow the money honey and learn a lot by who benefits. Well, just who does benefit big time from a green policy that would further send us down the pit? Let’s investigate together. Bet we can find some mighty big fish in both parties.

It really does seem that some would like for America to go down…in order to have their NEW WORLD ORDER at our expense.

Hat tip Butasforme

Original article COAL BUST BRIEF (printed below in entirety-thank you for photo)


The first indication something is amiss is the fact Obama’s team is already suggesting the coal industry will be first casualty. This is very odd because we have the largest deposits of coal. This does not mean we have to abandon the pursuit of making this energy clean. We are Americans, and can scientifically accomplish greatness. However, team Obama is quick to lay the groundwork for a huge decline in these jobs. Even worse, team Obama blocks laws that can help this industry become more efficient.

Bloomberg: Obama’s Plan Would Close Half of All New Power Plants.

Jason Grumet, Obama’s Chief Energy Advisor On Obama’s Energy Plan:

“Sen. Obama is somewhat unique in not implying that this radical transformation of our economy is just going to be easy, or that stocks are only going to go up. There are going to be significant changes within the manufacturing sector. Those will be painful for some people…. The campaign believes that in the early years of that transition, there will be some disproportionate impact on different industries and different regions that has to be acknowledged up front; they’re not going to be avoidable…”¹

Jason Grumet, Explaining Obama’s Plan Told C-SPAN:

“Obama is confident his carbon policy will make it “ludicrous” to invest money in new coal that’s not 100% sequestered. You only need a $15/ton price on carbon to make pulverized coal uneconomic. If Obama’s unable to get that climate policy in place, he will do whatever is necessary to prevent construction of a round of new pulverized coal plants, including standards that would essentially amount to a moratorium.”

Obama Called For A Tax On “Dirty Energy” Like Coal and Natural Gas:

“What we ought to tax is dirty energy, like coal and, to a lesser extent, natural gas.” (”Q&A With Sen. Barack Obama,” San Antonio Express-News, 2/19/08).

U.S. News: “Isn’t it True Obama You Want Higher Energy Prices?

So with his obvious aversion to damaging the environment, you think he support laws to make emissions cleaner? Well his record suggests otherwise.

Obama voted against laws that would have helped coal plants capture 100% of the carbon dioxide.

In 2007, Obama Voted Against Mandating The Production Of Six Billion Gallons Of Clean Coal-Derived Fuels. “Bunning, R-Ky., amendment no. 1628 to the Reid, D-Nev., substitute amendment no. 1502. The Bunning amendment would mandate that 6 billion gallons of clean coal-derived fuels’ be produced by 2022. It would define these fuels as having 20 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline and being produced by facilities that capture 100 percent of carbon dioxide emissions.” (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #213: Rejected 39-55: R 39-6; D 0-47; I 0-2, 6/19/07, Obama Voted Nay)

Obama Blocked Statutory Laws to Make Coal Cleaner:

In 2007, Obama Voted Against Authorizing Funds For Coal-To-Liquid Fuels. “Inhofe, R-Okla., amendment no. 1505 to the Reid substitute amendment no. 1502. The Inhofe amendment would expedite the permitting process for the expansion of refinery facilities and authorize funds for the development of coal-to-liquid and cellulosic biomass fuels.” (H.R. 6, CQ Vote #210: Rejected 43-52: R 43-2; D 0-48; I 0-2, 6/13/07, Obama Voted Nay).

His reason?

Obama: “The Bunning amendment would have been premature in requiring the production of billions of gallons of coal-to-liquids without providing strong environmental safeguards to ensure that this new fuel alleviates, not worsens, our climate crisis.” (Sen. Barack Obama, “Obama Statement On Coal-To-Liquid Fuel Proposals,” Press Release, 6/19/07)

It seems funny that Obama has reservations about science. But his obvious resistance puts the coal industry and other industries that utilize fossil fuels in a ‘catch-22‘.

So it is understood that the coal industry has little wiggle room to emerge victorious. But as a nation we will still need energy to power our nation. The Obama team proposes a comprehensive energy plan that is not only expensive, but does not utilize any of America’s natural resources. And you have to admit the fact Obama put the coal industry in a ‘catch-22′ is at best illogical, at worst criminal.

While it is possible Obama truly believes in the newest forms of energy, what if the motive is good old fashioned greed.

If greed is the motive, is not out of the question that Obama is pushing specific energy paths that benefit shared interests at the cost of entire industries such as coal. Obama is on the record saying he wants to move people away from coal by utilizing “price signals” (sharp increases in energy prices that change behavior).

In turn, this manipulative form would be burdensome to the population. Eventually, we would demand cheaper energy. While the architect of the price fluctuations and manipulations would be the Obama administration, he would claim his plan is not for his shared interests’ gain, but helping America deal with energy challenges.

But who does Obama know that has a vested interest in these forms of energy?

World, Meet George Soro’s and Goldman Sachs.

(Research Soros and compare it to Obama. You’ll find striking similarities. It is elections eve, and I do not have a lot of time to get this out. But please post your findings in the comments section. I will update this post with other information).

George Soros is a huge proponent of this type of energy and has investment, though it is not clear to me how in depth they are. (Please research and help out). He also financed Obama’s campaign. He is also a financial manipulator, convicted of illegal insider trading in France for playing financial games with a bank there. A hedge fund operator, George Soros, who was convicted of insider trading in France, is known to make money from the collapse of national economies and currencies. Labeled “The Man who broke the Bank of England” because of his financial activities against the British currency, he is said to be on a witness list of hedge fund operators that will be called to testify before Congress next month―probably after the election.

The statement above, is “known to make money from collapsed economies and currencies..broke the Bank of England, Insider trading, hedge funds,”

Does that not give you pause? In Nazi Germany, he posed as a German and helped round up his own people, took their possessions, in short..enriched himself as his own people were slaughtered. That alone gives me pause…change that to horror.

George Soros raised $60,000 of this Obama funding, with his own donations and those he procured from his family. Soros reportedly met with Obama first in March — a mere state senator, Obama was the only candidate in the country with whom Soros met personally during the 2004 election cycle, according to Soros spokesman Michael Vachon (quoted by CNS News, July 27, 2004). On June 7, 2004, Obama was in Soros’ New York home for an Obama campaign fundraising event.

But this is where it gets interesting.

It’s reported that Obama and Soros staged a disagreement, as if to show the world they were not on friendly terms. But the donations kept on flowing. Odd? Not unless this theory is true.

Other questions concerning campaign financing: Many of Obama’s donations are untracable. He simply will not publish his donors under $200.00. It would not be unreasonable to assume many of his donations are illegal. But could these millions of smaller donations, which he is not required to record, be coming from the same source?

We will not know unless he releases the data. That ain’t likely now to happen. Check this out:

Obama Lied, Now He’ll Slide, On Campaign Finance Audit from Road Sassy

But this network of secret combinations is not limited to Soros and Obama.

Obama’s biggest donor is still Goldman Sachs and the trio (Goldman, Obama and Soros) run deep with their shared interest in this newer form of energy.

Henry Paulson, the man who convinced Bush of the economic crisis, has huge ties with China and Goldman Sachs.

And almost as secretive were Treasury Secretary Paulson’s maneuvers. He produced a quick three-page proposal to make himself a virtual financial dictator without judicial oversight or review. Then just as quickly it was secretly altered so that he would have the authority to bail out banks in China and other foreign countries.

For those interested in some of the fascinating details about Paulson’s extremely close relationship with China, which may have provoked the financial crisis and stands to benefit from it, the October issue of Bloomberg Markets is a good place to start. It notes that Paulson was sworn in as secretary in July 2006 and that by September he was announcing “creation of the first U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue.” Paulson, the magazine reports, has a relationship with Chinese leaders and has traveled to China at least 70 times in his career. It reports that he personally had $25 million worth of holdings in a Goldman Sachs fund whose sole asset was a stake in the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

Goldman Sachs, a “full-service global investment banking and securities firm,” is “the leading underwriter of Chinese equity securities and M&A [merger and acquisition] advisor in China,” its website declares.

“Managing the U.S. relationship with China is an increasingly important part of the Treasury secretary’s job,” Bloomberg Markets says. “During the Fannie and Freddie crisis, Paulson used his credibility with Chinese leaders to reassure them that the U.S. mortgage companies weren’t in jeopardy.” Paulson is quoted as saying that “I clearly talked with the Chinese through this. They’ve worked with me enough that they knew I wouldn’t say it unless I believed it.”

Equally significant, on September 23, Paulson’s former firm, Goldman-Sachs, received an infusion of $5 billion from Warren Buffett, a major Obama financial backer and booster.²

There was also a secret meeting with Tom Brokaw, Goldman Sachs and Obama at the museum of modern art.(This meeting happened shorty before Obama’s primetime debate). It has to be left to speculation on what happened at this meeting.)

In addition, it is rumored that Soros funds various media organizations. This Soros backed venture has influence with major television networks, newspapers and magazines. These well backed groups could be the reason the media is so biased towards Obama & Biden.

But the spending and secret combinations even extend beyond the domestic energy programs. Obama is sponsor of a $840 BILLION dollar poverty bill, that subjects the United States to a United Nations tax of 0.7% of GDP. More investigation into this is needed as well.

I urge all of those interested to begin research. Please post your research links in the comments section here. Lets research and get to the bottom of this fishy story.

It is not to say Obama is a huge fraud. But all these events are terribly fishy. It is really really odd. We must get to the bottom of this. Help out.

Forward this to your friends so we get more people working on this, and more people asking questions. The more this gets out the better we can get to the bottom of this.

Sources are in links above.

Make Mine Freedom

This will take about 10 minutes to watch but well worth it. It is presented in cartoon style. It is nostalgic in many ways.

Make Mine Freedom

Hat tip Always on Watch for the video.

Now we must hold the government to account even more than in the past. It is no time to be so devastated and discouraged that we give up. We must work harder than ever with the information, calls, email, fax, writing to our reps.
Yes, many voted our conscience and I am proud of that!

Some must reads for today:

H/T Lynda: NY Times suddenly discovers “nuance” in Gitmo issues that used to be all about Bushhitler. That didn’t take long. Watch the double-standards begin to fly!

The Daily Show makes a similar discovery: “There’s lots to make fun of other than the White House”. You don’t say! A President Obama will be treated very differently, then, I guess, than Bush?

An oldie from Vanderleun (H/T Larwyn) that you may have missed and shouldn’t: How Beautiful We Were

The First Obama Joke: H/T Dan “Barack Obama won the election because he saw what is wrong with this country: the utter failure of government to protect its citizens.” — New York Times, The Next President. The New York Times is purely bananas.

AJ: Nattering Negativity, looks at the fissures in the GOP and ponders.

Harry Reid: Crowing and unclassy. As ever.

Sorry, Mr. Reid: Yer man has no mandate; he ran on tax-cuts and other “centrist” ideas. But then, so did Bill Clinton. We know. We know.

EJ Dionne: Don’t play to the center-right, Obama! Keep away from the center-right! We’re not a center-right nation!

California: Votes to ban gay marriage. Center-right.

Ruth Marcus: Will the Dems be able to resist overplaying their hand? See Dionne, Ms. Marcus. (Note: Ms. Marcus suggests Obama begin by “reversing President Bush’s order prohibiting federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, signing the Bush-vetoed expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and enacting an equal pay law overturning the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Lilly Ledbetter.”). Yeah…don’t overplay.

It is remarkable to note, however, that – finally – someone in the press managed to correctly identify President Bush’s position as “prohibiting FEDERAL FUNDING of EMBRYONIC stem cell research” as opposed to their usual, “he’s against all science! He’s against all stem cell research! He’s a neanderthal” dishonesty. That only took 8 years.

Tom Shales: The Press Behaved Badly last night. Well…they’ve been behaving badly for over a decade, but last night, even my husband – who does not care about this sort of stuff – had to turn them off for all their self-congratulating glee. He found it “infantile.”

Ed Morrissey: Good Analysis.

Instapundit: Showcases the diff between lefties and righties rather succinctly. Note: Also, no one ever thought for even a second that an Obama win would cause the right to “riot.” The same cannot be said for the left. I hope they’ll grow up, now.

The People’s Cube: A fella who survived the Soviet Union dusts off the slogans and says “Comrade” again.

Steven Den Beste: Good news and bad news. Read.

Hamid Karzai: Expects Miracles from Messiahs

A post-election break from hype: it won’t last, though

Boundless energy: Confederate Yankee is already looking at 2010. Not yer girl, here. She’s taking a break. Bumperstickers, even! Capitalism goes on…

Survival Guide: if you feel you need one

Sincere & cautious congrats: I pray that you may acquire wisdom

“… — wisdom beyond your tender years, your thin experience, and your inconsequential legislative achievements — wisdom as a public servant in office, rather, that is at least commensurate with the skill you’ve shown as a campaigner, which has been a genuine marvel.

I pray for your health, because, with due respect, I regard the prospect of your Vice President-elect having to step into your shoes with genuine panic. “

Hope and pray you’re wrong: From an email: “I did not vote for Obama but I am afraid for him. I feel like whoever put him in place is going to try to make a martyr of him to create chaos in the nation.”

The Racial Angle: Still not gone, but reading that makes me think that now perhaps some racial issues will be addressed from “within” the African American community, itself, which might be a healthy thing. Introspection is always a good thing.

The Wheels on the Bus: Go round and round

Today’s Eyeroll: LA Times writer: “The nation is in dire economic straits.”

Yes, yes, yes. I see. Unemployment is 6%. Gasoline prices are a whopping $2 a gallon. The Dow is 9,000. People are actually paying cash for things. Run for your lives.

The 60’s: They’re finally ending About damn time.

Curt: Offers curt congrats

Geraghty: Ball’s in his court

Fears: For the churches

And hope: for life

Meanwhile: Stocks are tumbling

Hat tip: in links and The Achoress


I am ashamed of those that did not seek out the information they needed or voted party over biblical values. I am ashamed of the students who fell for their radical professors and the illusion of youthful wisdom.How many of us when very young were much more liberal than today? As a rule, It is the folly of youth. I am ashamed of both whites and blacks who chose race over biblical values. I am ashamed of the Media’s behavior. I am ashamed of those that voted what they perceive as their pocketbook over their country. I am ashamed that we are putting our precious military into the hands of such as these. I am ashamed that McCain campaign did not fight aggressively with the truth and much earlier that we deserved to know. I am ashamed that so many care more about what the world thinks of us that they would sell out their country. I am ashamed of those that did not exercise their right to vote. I am ashamed of those that did not vote because their values told them they could not vote for Obama but could not bring themselves to vote Republican. Again party over principals..

I will not stop. I will not quit. I will fight on. I know you will join me and many others in this war for our country.

Hey What’s it Gonna Be Obama? 250,200,150, NOW 120,000-Just Where it Stops, Nobody Knows?


Tim Reid, The Times of London

Barack Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week’s election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.

The sudden financial crisis and the prospect of a deep and painful recession have increased the urgency inside the Obama team to bring people down to earth, after a campaign in which his soaring rhetoric and promises of “hope” and “change” are now confronted with the reality of a stricken economy.

One senior adviser told The Times that the first few weeks of the transition, immediately after the election, were critical, “so there’s not a vast mood swing from exhilaration and euphoria to despair.”

Can’t be having way.

The aide said that Obama himself was the first to realize that expectations risked being inflated. Well yeah, quite a few groupies and sheep will have expectations dashed.

In an interview with a Colorado radio station, Obama appeared to be engaged already in expectation lowering. Asked about his goals for the first hundred days, he said he would need more time to tackle such big and costly issues as health care reform, global warming and Iraq.

Oh yes, Iraq has been very successful of late…so ya got that going for you. Let’s see, with Al Gore’s help, the greenies among us will successfully cause gas prices to be higher, forget offshore drilling, that is only good for the rest of the world..don’t forget China and India drilling off our shores..but then we don’t matter. Health care, how much exactly is that free health care gonna cost us? But don’t worry about it. We are all just peasants to be tamed.

“The first hundred days is going to be important, but it’s probably going to be the first thousand days that makes the difference,” he said. He has also been reminding crowds in recent days how “hard” it will be to achieve his goals, and that it will take time.

First Thousand? Wonder just how much damage can be wrought in 1000 days on top of what we already have.

“I won’t stand here and pretend that any of this will be easy — especially now,” Obama told a rally in Sarasota, Florida, yesterday, citing “the cost of this economic crisis, and the cost of the war in Iraq.” Obama’s transition team is headed by John Podesta, a Washington veteran and a former chief-of-staff to Bill Clinton. He has spent months overseeing a virtual Democratic government-in-exile to plan a smooth transition should Obama emerge victorious next week.

The plans are so far advanced that an Obama Cabinet has been largely decided upon, with the expectation that most of his senior appointments could be announced shortly after election day.

Read the full report at The Times of London

Don’t forget, with a full Democrat Congress and enough in the house..why you should not have to worry about any filibusters. No checks no balances…that’s what our founding fathers had in mind.

Now hurry on over to Msplaced Democrat’s article on Barney Frank’s slip of the tongue on taxes: click below:

Barney Frank Slips and Unveils The Tax Increases The Democrats Will Unleash On Us

Obama Strategy and Smackdown after Infomercial

Video: The Obama Strategy

(This post stuck here until after the election. Please scroll down for additional posts)

Even if you’ve seen this video before, watch it again. About 10 minutes in length, the video provides a possible answer as to Obama’s “coming out of nowhere”:

More information & video HERE.

(With a hat tip to Always on Watch & Haid Da Salami)

All comments will be moderated (at least until after the election,) due to some not following language policy. Since I am away this weekend…will check as I can and will approve a.s.a.p.

Not unexpectedly, Senator John McCain delivered an excellent smack down in re Barack Obama’s thirty minute infomercial wherein the Illinois Senator advertised his favorite product – Barack Obama.

But wait, there’s more! Hell has indeed frozen over. AP writer, Calvin Woodward, posted a story last night: Obama’s prime-time ad skips over budget realities. This from Associated Press? With board members and huge Obama supporters Murdoch and Zell? This is the same news organization that constantly touts “the One” and falsely reported that Hillary had conceded the morning of the last two primaries – when voters were just going to the polls. AP disses Obama? Are pigs flying? Pigs with lipstick?

Breathe, Ani. Breathe.

Let’s take these in order. First Senator McCain uses the sense of humor he displayed in his brilliant performance at the recent Al Smith dinner:

“Now, tonight, we can all look forward to my opponent’s performance in a television infomercial. It used to be that only rain or some other act of God could delay the World Series, but I guess the network execs figured an Obama infomercial was close enough. As with other infomercials, he’s got a few things he wants to sell you: He’s offering government-run health care … an energy plan guaranteed to work without drilling … and an automatic wealth spreader that folds neatly and fits under any bed.”

Nice. You go, John. He’s got lots more to say, but we’ll get to that later on.

AP’s Mr. Woodward then dissects the Spin vs. the Facts of Obama’s multi million dollar advertisement to the American people tonight: Read the rest

Hat tip Thanks to:Ani original post:Obama Gets a Smack Down From Both Likely and Unlikely Sources After His Infomercial

Other informative posts for your weekend

  • Democratic Speechwriter Rejects Party and Votes McCain/Palin
  • Breaking News: Sarah Palin Effigy Taken Down-Finally distinguished art from hate
  • Karl Marx Donates to Obama, Just Like Saddam Hussein, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, John Galt and Osama bin Laden
  • How Many Special Tributes Do You Do for “Just a Guy in the Hood?”
  • Obama’s Gaza Strip Cold Call Center is Busy Again! Outsourcing, The Obama Way!-ALARMING
  • Barack and Michelle Tell It–He Hasn’t Done Anything
  • Elisabeth Hasselbeck Introduces Governor Palin in Tampa-Well worth your time
  • Hat tip For the postsabove : NoQuarterusa
  • How Did We Find Ourselves In ‘Economic Terror’ or The Real Obama Agenda

    A great find and understanding on how we got to this ‘economic terror’ bailouts and G7 meetings, panic and what is Barack Obama’s Agenda. Thank you NoQuarterusa and Shtuey for your investigative work and digging for the truth. This is highly informative for those who are new. Please read all of this. This is worth your time.

    This post is actually written by Shtuey. note: This is worth reading throughout, and is highly informative.]

    Everyone here has heard most of the elements of the post presented below. Some have even talked about the theory presented therein. Before you get bored and skip some of the rehashing, remember The new visitors deserve full qualification of facts, people and events before they can digest theories. This is a long post, but one worth reading.

    Therefore I suggest that the following article, written by a kindergarten teacher,(Angie used to be one of those) should be read by us and shared with anyone who is light Obama or center fence. There are two things amazing I find about people who will dedicate their lives to teaching five year old kids. One. They have to find a smile, every Monday through Friday Morning, before they greet the kids. Two. They get to hear the greatest questions about subjects we quit questioning.

    I just want you to take in Shtu’s thinking. Get off the minute-by-minute news for a moment and provoke some thought. So be sure you click on his link below the video’s.

    Thanks to Eastan McNeal


    Click here to visit Shtuey’s blog and read this post WITH links. New visitors, visit Shtu and come back and comment with us.

    Source link above at Shtueys


    Is Obama a Citizen? Plus Caught on Tape Saying Acorn & Friends will shape his Presidential Agenda

    American Thinker AND Road Sassy thinks it may be a Game Changer.

    please go to to next page to see and hear the rest of the story!

    Continue reading

    R.Paul: ‘We’re Going to Destroy The Dollar’-Really Mad Voter Petition

    I thought this was an interesting take from Ron Paul as he was being interviewed sometime back on the Glenn Beck show. You can read the interview right below the video of Dr. Paul speaking to the house. Ron Paul has many supporters, whether you like him or not, he is very wise. We live in a culture that values youth versus the wisdom of age. My personal feeling is that Ron Paul has been dissed’ if you will by the Media during the debates and while not agreeing on every issue, his is a voice that needs to be heard. Of course, they have passed the bailout bill now. We can still make a lot of noise.. Really Mad Voter left a comment with a petition below to vote them all out! I am inclined to agree with him.AIG execs turned right around and blew a big bundle at a spa costing over 300,000, closer to 400,000 dollars. Makes my blood boil! Now Bush is meeting with the G7 to explore possibilities that may ‘cough’ help?

    Ron Paul: ‘We’re going to destroy the dollar’

    Congressman Ron Paul

    GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, third most listened to show in all of America. My name is Glenn Beck, and I have — everybody now is coming to the bandwagon and they are all saying, “Oh, yeah, look at the problems. Boy, we got problems.” And they are talking about the bailout. The bailout is an abomination. Now, I’m a guy who last week said you’ve got to stop the plane from flying into the side of the mountain, but this bailout, there’s no way I would have my — I can’t get through to my senator and congressman. I can’t even get an e-mail to them. Everything is full. Keep trying. You have to decide whether it’s right or wrong. This is the moment, and I do not say this lightly. I don’t think I’ve ever said this except on September 11th. This is the moment that we must become the greatest American generation. I do not say that I can’t — I don’t want my name anywhere attached to this bailout. I don’t say that lightly because what I know is coming on the other side is collapse and quite possibly — everybody now is saying 1929. I think it may be bigger than 1929. Our very survival may be at stake. So I don’t say it lightly because if it doesn’t pass, it’s coming and it’s coming like a load of bricks, but it’s coming anyway. And what do you have left after it is what matters at this point. Everybody is talking about the bailout. I think what everybody wants to know is, wait a minute, wait a minute, what does this mean? I’ve got a kid going into college. What does that mean for my job? What does this mean, how do I afford food? What do I do? I don’t have a broker. I’ve got a 401(k). I’ve got a few thousand dollars maybe in the bank, most likely I’ve got a few hundred dollars in the bank. What does all of this mean to me? I’m going to speak directly to you on that coming up at the top of next hour. I want you to know that you’re not alone. I want you to know that that’s where most people are, and the media and everybody else is talking macro, and you’re at micro, and is anybody paying attention to micro or is it all macro? We’re not living in a history book. There are real people that are affected. What is it going to mean to you and what’s the best way to protect yourself? I will help you through some of those answers coming up at the top of next hour.

    But first, I do want to talk macro and I do want to talk about what’s in this bill because if you are going to be the greatest American generation, if you are going to be one of those Americans that finally stands up and says, wait a minute, and you take charge of your own life, you need to know the facts. A guy who has been there and who has been there this weekend, heard all of the inside dealings, knows about this bill and quite frankly I may disagree with him on a lot of things, but the economy is not one of them. He has called it right every step of the way. Ron Paul is with us now. Ron, this is your cup of tea. This is your ocean. How are you navigating? Where should we be going?

    RON PAUL: Well, we’re going in the wrong direction. We’re in a problem for the precise reason, we spent too much, we borrowed too much and we inflated the currency too much and now we’re in trouble and the market is saying you have to make the corrections of all the mistakes. People, you know, have to liquidate bad debt and get rid of the bad investments. So everything we’re doing right now is to perpetuate all the mistakes.

    GLENN: Right.

    RON PAUL: Instead of admitting it and allowing us to get rid of the bad stuff and start all over again. So this just prolongs the agony and actually makes the long-term problems worse because everything that we do is done through more inflation of the money supply, which means that we will have runaway inflation if we continue to do this along with recession or depression and I think these scare tactics are going to backfire on everybody who ends up voting for this.

    GLENN: Hold on just a second. What do you mean scare tactics? You told me last week or two weeks ago that you felt we could be headed for a 1989 Soviet style collapse.

    RON PAUL: But the people who want us to vote for this are saying, you know, that if you don’t, you’re going to cause it. It is true that if we don’t vote for this, the markets are going to be, you know, in bad shape. There’s going to be a downturn. And if we do vote for it, the same thing is going to happen. The only thing is the choice is which one you want, the one that’s going to last 10 years or the one that’s going to last one year, and it’s a terrible choice. Politicians don’t like those kind of choices. So they are going to opt out by pretending that they can salvage things for one year and then a miracle’s going to come along and these worthless assets that the taxpayers are stuck with are all of a sudden going to have value, and there’s not much chance of that happening.

    Continue reading

    Did Main Street Get a Fair Shake? Time will Tell




    The servers were down most of the day, email was flooding the House to the point where it could not function. It has been reported that just as many wanted  the bill passed as those who emailed that were against the bill. Who knows?  Perhaps it is as we have said many times, Most people vote with their pocketbook. Issues and long term possible consequences are set aside for the moment

     Many of our reps also appear like SCARLET OHARA IN ‘GONE WITH THE WIND’..I’ll think about it tomorrow! at leasr with the possible future results.

    I keep hearing that song..I need a Hero

    Many Economists are saying that this will avert the crisis for at least a year versus the endurance of pain for 5 years. Who really knows? Now that it is done, let’s hope and pray that those we have put in office wil not repeat their offences and please remember who they are representing and most of all, whose money they spend.

    Let’s hope it does not include little specialty items in the form of earmarks. Let’s also hope they read all 450 pages and did not forget the fine print.

    Continue reading