More Voter Fraud-Possible Illegals voting with a little help in the Booth No Less!

This attack on our voter privilege and the fraud perpetrated all over over our country continues to get worse. They may as well just say ‘look we are taking over this election and the country whether Americans like it or not. Can it get any worse? How about taking busloads of illegal immigrants to vote that neither read nor speak english and of course, they must have the one who brought them in the voting booth with them..Read the whole stinking like a skunk THREAT TO OUR SYSTEM below: What more injustice can these people do our country? Take a look at what is happening in Tennessee. It seems to me that early voting is producing a lot of fraud. Tennessee voters should protest this very loud AND not let up. ALL Americans that care about the privilege of voting should make so much noise that something that reeks of common sense returns to this Nation. It is time to put our country first over party! It seems that once the vote is is inviolate. Do we need any more proof that early voting is a stench upon our system? Whatever happened to absentee voting and proof of I.D. in some states? I had the impression that Tennessee had to show ID? I know some states have thrown it to the wayside so I hope Tennessee is not in that camp. None should be.

How laughable we must be to the world just waiting for our fall?

This is the most blatant case of voter fraud to date I believe. So here we go from Tennessee: Well kiss my Grits! This should make any American that cares about our democracy get boiling mad and refuse to take it anymore.

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Your Choice of Health Care- McCain’s or Obama’s?

I have heard so much about the ‘health care’ plans of McCain and Obama. Frankly, there is a lot of misconception out there about both. So let’s look at them. This is a fairly simple way to ‘get it’ and then you can decide which is best for you. Thanks to Ms Placed Democrat! If health care is important to you and you want to understand the real difference in pretty simple language..take a look.

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