R.Paul: ‘We’re Going to Destroy The Dollar’-Really Mad Voter Petition

I thought this was an interesting take from Ron Paul as he was being interviewed sometime back on the Glenn Beck show. You can read the interview right below the video of Dr. Paul speaking to the house. Ron Paul has many supporters, whether you like him or not, he is very wise. We live in a culture that values youth versus the wisdom of age. My personal feeling is that Ron Paul has been dissed’ if you will by the Media during the debates and while not agreeing on every issue, his is a voice that needs to be heard. Of course, they have passed the bailout bill now. We can still make a lot of noise.. Really Mad Voter left a comment with a petition below to vote them all out! I am inclined to agree with him.AIG execs turned right around and blew a big bundle at a spa costing over 300,000, closer to 400,000 dollars. Makes my blood boil! Now Bush is meeting with the G7 to explore possibilities that may ‘cough’ help?

Ron Paul: ‘We’re going to destroy the dollar’

Congressman Ron Paul

GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, third most listened to show in all of America. My name is Glenn Beck, and I have — everybody now is coming to the bandwagon and they are all saying, “Oh, yeah, look at the problems. Boy, we got problems.” And they are talking about the bailout. The bailout is an abomination. Now, I’m a guy who last week said you’ve got to stop the plane from flying into the side of the mountain, but this bailout, there’s no way I would have my — I can’t get through to my senator and congressman. I can’t even get an e-mail to them. Everything is full. Keep trying. You have to decide whether it’s right or wrong. This is the moment, and I do not say this lightly. I don’t think I’ve ever said this except on September 11th. This is the moment that we must become the greatest American generation. I do not say that I can’t — I don’t want my name anywhere attached to this bailout. I don’t say that lightly because what I know is coming on the other side is collapse and quite possibly — everybody now is saying 1929. I think it may be bigger than 1929. Our very survival may be at stake. So I don’t say it lightly because if it doesn’t pass, it’s coming and it’s coming like a load of bricks, but it’s coming anyway. And what do you have left after it is what matters at this point. Everybody is talking about the bailout. I think what everybody wants to know is, wait a minute, wait a minute, what does this mean? I’ve got a kid going into college. What does that mean for my job? What does this mean, how do I afford food? What do I do? I don’t have a broker. I’ve got a 401(k). I’ve got a few thousand dollars maybe in the bank, most likely I’ve got a few hundred dollars in the bank. What does all of this mean to me? I’m going to speak directly to you on that coming up at the top of next hour. I want you to know that you’re not alone. I want you to know that that’s where most people are, and the media and everybody else is talking macro, and you’re at micro, and is anybody paying attention to micro or is it all macro? We’re not living in a history book. There are real people that are affected. What is it going to mean to you and what’s the best way to protect yourself? I will help you through some of those answers coming up at the top of next hour.

But first, I do want to talk macro and I do want to talk about what’s in this bill because if you are going to be the greatest American generation, if you are going to be one of those Americans that finally stands up and says, wait a minute, and you take charge of your own life, you need to know the facts. A guy who has been there and who has been there this weekend, heard all of the inside dealings, knows about this bill and quite frankly I may disagree with him on a lot of things, but the economy is not one of them. He has called it right every step of the way. Ron Paul is with us now. Ron, this is your cup of tea. This is your ocean. How are you navigating? Where should we be going?

RON PAUL: Well, we’re going in the wrong direction. We’re in a problem for the precise reason, we spent too much, we borrowed too much and we inflated the currency too much and now we’re in trouble and the market is saying you have to make the corrections of all the mistakes. People, you know, have to liquidate bad debt and get rid of the bad investments. So everything we’re doing right now is to perpetuate all the mistakes.

GLENN: Right.

RON PAUL: Instead of admitting it and allowing us to get rid of the bad stuff and start all over again. So this just prolongs the agony and actually makes the long-term problems worse because everything that we do is done through more inflation of the money supply, which means that we will have runaway inflation if we continue to do this along with recession or depression and I think these scare tactics are going to backfire on everybody who ends up voting for this.

GLENN: Hold on just a second. What do you mean scare tactics? You told me last week or two weeks ago that you felt we could be headed for a 1989 Soviet style collapse.

RON PAUL: But the people who want us to vote for this are saying, you know, that if you don’t, you’re going to cause it. It is true that if we don’t vote for this, the markets are going to be, you know, in bad shape. There’s going to be a downturn. And if we do vote for it, the same thing is going to happen. The only thing is the choice is which one you want, the one that’s going to last 10 years or the one that’s going to last one year, and it’s a terrible choice. Politicians don’t like those kind of choices. So they are going to opt out by pretending that they can salvage things for one year and then a miracle’s going to come along and these worthless assets that the taxpayers are stuck with are all of a sudden going to have value, and there’s not much chance of that happening.

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