What has happened to Free Speech? This is America right?

OUTRAGEOUS! What has happened in America?

What has happened when you can no longer practice free speech nor have a guest on blog talk radio that wants the great one to produce his birth certificate? Phillip Berg was to be the guest on blog talk radio with No Compromise and they cancelled not only the show but shut it down. Berg has filed a law suit for Obama to produce his Birth Certificate. You can see the background on this from my former post:Is Obama a Citizen? Plus Caught on Tape Saying Acorn & Friends will shape his Presidential agenda

We cannot allow these kinds of things to happen here. This is still America. If we do not stand up now..who will stand up for you later? The double standards that are taking place in this country right now are appalling! We need to stop this now and we need to stop it fast.

See the link below with the blog information.

Phil Berg is my guest today on No Compromise Radio,

Call the blog radio and tell them you want freedom to reign again. We are losing our liberties folks..EMAIL IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW.

UPDATE: I scheduled a show with Attorney Phil Berg who has filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama for not being a US Citizen therefore he is an illegal alien.

My show was terminated at the beginning of the show. Why? The BTR assistant Director of Customer Relations, Shannon Dingee-Kramer stated that my show was, “racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, unreasonably violent, threatening, intimidating or harassing; 2. contains falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage BlogTalkRadio or any other person; (BTR red emphasis–not mine!)

In other words, those who claim to be for free speech are afraid of it when they see it, or hear it in this case! It might offend someone and that’s far more important to protect than the American Principle of exercising the flow of speech in the arena of public ideas.

So I am officially off the air until further notice thanks to the Obamunists and Islamists who support him!

How Did We Find Ourselves In ‘Economic Terror’ or The Real Obama Agenda

A great find and understanding on how we got to this ‘economic terror’ bailouts and G7 meetings, panic and what is Barack Obama’s Agenda. Thank you NoQuarterusa and Shtuey for your investigative work and digging for the truth. This is highly informative for those who are new. Please read all of this. This is worth your time.

This post is actually written by Shtuey. note: This is worth reading throughout, and is highly informative.]

Everyone here has heard most of the elements of the post presented below. Some have even talked about the theory presented therein. Before you get bored and skip some of the rehashing, remember The new visitors deserve full qualification of facts, people and events before they can digest theories. This is a long post, but one worth reading.

Therefore I suggest that the following article, written by a kindergarten teacher,(Angie used to be one of those) should be read by us and shared with anyone who is light Obama or center fence. There are two things amazing I find about people who will dedicate their lives to teaching five year old kids. One. They have to find a smile, every Monday through Friday Morning, before they greet the kids. Two. They get to hear the greatest questions about subjects we quit questioning.

I just want you to take in Shtu’s thinking. Get off the minute-by-minute news for a moment and provoke some thought. So be sure you click on his link below the video’s.

Thanks to Eastan McNeal


Click here to visit Shtuey’s blog and read this post WITH links. New visitors, visit Shtu and come back and comment with us.

Source link above at Shtueys


Progressive’s Intimidation.. Should Conservatives Try It?

Well, talk about progressive..If this is progressive, who needs it? Rude and crude..tasteless..vulgar. The Democratic party has been taken over by the Radical hate mongering of the far far left!

The hate piled on Sarah Palin is unjust..I suppose they hate her for what she represents to them..A mother who has a career and made the horrific choice (to them) of keeping her child..then add to that..a Down’s Syndrome child. To those who have said you are ashamed of America and think we really need to change..this should really make you ashamed. If it does not..then you must condone this kind of freakish behavior. This kind of change no country needs. Shame on all of you!

Hattip NoQuarterusa

from the hypocritical Race-Baiting, lying, intimidating and divisive Barack Obama campaign:

As Barack Obama has said himself, the last thing we need from either party is the kind of angry, divisive rhetoric that tears us apart at a time of crisis when we desperately need to come together. That is the kind of campaign Sen. Obama will continue to run in the weeks ahead.

Yes, we know all about Senator Obama’s campaign. That’s why we will try harder to behave like they do. Here’s our first practice example:

Read the rest

Go over and read the full link.

McCain Supporters Need To Learn To Act Like Obama Supporters »

Then Check out this unreal link By Michelle Malkin

Crush the Obamedia narrative: Look who’s “gripped by insane rage”

Continue reading