Obama’s Friends in Low Places..

My friends, Obama & Mama just keep providing this blog with too much information..eh? There is a lot of stuff inquiring minds need to know but he just keeps on and on like the little bunny energizer..  don’t ya think?

Can you really trust a guy that is running for the highest office in our land that has a hardcore Marxist as his official blogger? Do you get all warm and fuzzy to know he has a terroist fundraiser for his campaign? Does it not make you want to sing Kumbaya for a terroist fundraiser to have Michelle Obama as a friend? 

And we can’t forget his buddies..see the bottom of this post..


by Little Green Footballs

Barack Obama’s “official campaign blogger,” Sam Graham-Felsen, is a hardcore Marxist—and even leftists like this are disturbed by his presence on the campaign staff: Sam Graham-Felsen stands for what?

Here’s an article by Sam Graham-Felsen at the Harvard Crimson, expressing his admiration for anti-American academic Noam Chomsky, and advising him to tone down the extreme rhetoric in order to trick the unwashed masses into following along: Chomsky’s Choice.

Another big Barack Obama supporter: Hatem El-Hady, former chairman of the Toledo-based Islamic charity Kindhearts, closed by the US government in 2006 for terrorist fundraising: Terrorist Fundraisers for Obama.

El-Hady has now devoted himself to raising money for Barack Obama; he has a page at the official Obama campaign web site, with three “friends” listed on it: “Rick,” “Fatima from Toledo, Ohio,” and … Michelle Obama.

Note: when someone is listed as a “friend,” it means they specifically chose it. In other words, Michelle Obama’s name isn’t there because El-Hady put it there — it’s there because she chose to be listed as his friend.

I know I have told you about his buddies below..but this was just too good a mug shot to pass by..so in case you missed it…

From Powerline                                                                                                                                               

When Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer decided to retire in 1995, she hand-picked local left-winger Barack Obama as her successor. In order to introduce Obama to influential liberals in the district, she held a function at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. This was, really, the beginning of Obama’s political career, and it linked him forever with Ayers and Dohrn, with whom, as his campaign has acknowledged, he continues to have a friendly relationship.